Sunday, December 29, 2019
Gay Marriage Essay - 2268 Words
Early humans learned to communicate and exchange ideas, through a series of melodic utterances that have slowly evolved into complex verbal expressions which have become the template for modern language. In fact, language has given humans the ability to think in words, allowing them to begin questioning complex moral issues that they were previously unaware of, and eventually this has given rise to several theories ethical philosophy. One such theory proposed by Aristotle was that everyone should strive to reach this state of Eudemonia (flourishing happiness). Aristotle’s philosophical view greatly influenced our founding fathers. During a time of great turmoil, the American colonies suffered at the hands of a tyrant, King George III.†¦show more content†¦We did everything together and we grew to be very close. The five of us went to church together every Sunday, and even at such a young age, I had a profound relationship with God. I was not afraid to talk to anyo ne about Jesus, in fact, I told everyone I was going to be a preacher when I grew up. I couldn’t keep quiet; I just knew I had to share with everyone the love Jesus has share with us all. In third grade, my school teacher, Mrs.Worsham, gave our class a journal assignment, asking the class, â€Å"if you could be anyone in the world who would you be and why?†My teacher was so moved by my response she called my home that night and requested a parent teacher conference. She wanted my parents to read my response, and she explained to them that she has never heard such a response from a child in her life. In my response, I said that if I could be anyone in the world, I would choose to be me, that God made me the way he wants me to be, and I want to love myself the way God made me. When I got older and started my transition from childhood to adolescence, I began to have these homosexual urges and desires. I assumed the devil was jealous of my relationship with God, and I could overcome the devil’s temptations by becoming closer to God. I remember each day as I got off the bus from school, I would race into the house, give my Mom a kiss on her check, and as I would hurry up the stairs to myShow MoreRelatedGay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay1850 Words  | 8 Pageswhat it means to be a gay man – even if that is not the language that always would be used to describe homosexual behavior in a given place and time. In the United States, gay marriage has been legalized in all 50 states by a federal court ruling, but many Americans do not realize that there is still a long way to go in terms of embracing gay citizens (and the rest of the LGBT community) into the â€Å" societal norm.†Despite the strides that have been taken to legalize marriage for same sex couples,Read MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1848 Words  | 8 Pageswholly ashamed of. Gay marriage is legal in all 50 United States, something that has been fought for since the conception of the LGBT movement. In fact, gay couples are routinely being featured on popular television and other forms of media. Some might say that in 2016, the dreams of the rioters in Stonewall have been realized. Marriage rights and the spotlight on nighttime television; equality seems to truly be right on the horizon. If one is a white, cis, gay man, that is. Gay women are featuresRead MoreThe Supreme Court Ruling On Gay Marriages893 Words  | 4 PagesIts time for me to share my opinion and perspective regarding the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriages. Forewarning, this post will be long because I have more than just an opinion to express, but rather a story to tell which will enlighten anyone who chooses to read this as to what my true perspective and opinion regarding gay marriages. (and gay people in general as a Christian) A few months ago I faced a difficult time in my life. I was homeless and I had nowhere to stay with my newborn babyRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Accepted And Respected932 Words  | 4 Pagesopen-minded. The rise in the LGTB movement has allowed people to openly express their sexuality without being discriminated against. Although homosexuality has become more socially acceptable, some states still have anti-gay laws and there are numerous individuals who believe that gay marriage is harmful and unnatural. Hozier’s â€Å"Take Me to Church,†Demi Lovato’s â€Å"Really Don’t Care†and Macklemore’s â€Å"Same Love†demonstrate society’s discrimination of homosexuals and why homosexuality should be accepted andRead MoreThe Tragedy of Gay Marriage1757 Words  | 8 PagesWorst Thing About Gay Marriage†presents an interesting argument against gay marriage that hinges upon maintaining a traditional form of marriage. He act ually claims that gay marriage is â€Å"unnecessary†(381). According to Schulman, there are 4 primary effects of marriage within his definition he calls the kinship system. First, marriage protects and controls a woman’s sexuality. Second, the possible pairings are limited by the kinship system to avoid incest or other taboos. Third, marriage creates a situationRead MoreThe Issue Of Gay Marriage1464 Words  | 6 Pages Marriage is one of the oldest, passed down traditions since the beginning of time. As humanity evolves through generations, traditions change, but the act of choosing your partner stays the same. For an example, not until President Barack Obama was in office, gay marriage was unacceptable. When President Obama announced that gay marriage was legal, that was a moment in history that will never be forgotten. The process of marriage continues to be the same, but each generation has been going outRead MoreGay Marriage And Gay Rights2550 Words  | 11 PagesComp II 8 May, 2015 Gay Marriage and Gay Rights For years there has been a debate on gay marriage and gay rights in America. Often government keeps pushing the issue back, or refuses to partake in the debates and discussions on whether or not this type of union is â€Å"legal†in the United States. My hope with this paper is to prove that gay marriage is not in fact unconstitutional, but that there is a right to freedom for everyone, no exclusions. When it comes to gay marriage, there seem to be a numberRead MoreThe Issue Of Gay Marriage Essay3392 Words  | 14 PagesWell it is 2007, and we are still dealing with the issue of gay marriage being good, and not good for America. Now maybe in 20 years gay marriage will be legal in each state, and this issue will be over. However, I deal in reality. And reality tells me the idea of two men frotting inside a home with children, frankly makes people sick to their stomachs. I prefer women, but I think what two grown people do in their bedrooms is their private moral, and legal business. Just like a straight couple thatRead MoreGay Marriage1280 Words  | 6 Pagesburrows, but flamboyantly celebrate their identities. The gays are now a people willing and ready to be heard. It has come to all of our attentions that in the light of marriage they have been depraved and deceived. Homosexuals cannot allow this persecution to continue, as they are constantly forfeited equal rights. The arguments are of lifestyle differences and the legalized discrimination of these people. It encompasses same-sex marriage as a cause worth fighting and defending so that we all mayRead MoreGay Marriage1041 Words  | 5 PagesCompare-Contrast Synthesis 10/11/2013 English 111x Gay Marriage Gay marriage is a topic that is heavily debated in this day and age. Whether or not it should be legal for homosexuals to get married is a theme that authors Andrew Sullivan, who wrote â€Å"For Gay Marriage†and William J. Bennett, who wrote â€Å"Against Gay Marriage†use in there articles. The main points the authors both discus is the meaning of marriage itself, the social impact same sex marriage will have on society, and the influence on children
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Biology Of Bird Flight - 1822 Words
1.3: The Biology of Bird Flight Bird Anatomy How do the wings work? Intro: Birds have beautiful feathers and lovely songs that bring joy and wonder to us humans. And flight is the feature that probably captures the human imagination more than anything else. For millennia, people have watched birds in the sky and wished we could fly, too. There are almost as many ways of flying as there are kinds of birds. Albatrosses glide and soar with long narrow wings stretched out, sometimes staying aloft for hours without a single wing beat. Hummingbirds, on the other hand, can t rest their wings for even a second in flight. Woodpeckers have a swooping flight, crows fly in a straight line, and swallows dart and weave every which way. A bird s breastbone, or sternum, is shaped like a keel to attach the powerful wing muscles. The bones of a bird s wings are surprisingly small compared to the size of the wing. All the bones and muscles of the wing are in the front and covered with feathers that protect and streamline the wing. The actual flight feathers are attached to the wing within little pits in the bones. Body Features: 1- Lack of nose and teeth: these parts are heavy and too forward.To grind their food, their stomachs have a gizzard near their center of gravity. They use their mouth and the nostrils located on the top of their lightweight beak to breathe. 2-Their tail and wing bones are very short: attached to sometimes long (butShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Ornithology643 Words  | 3 PagesOrnithology    Ornithology is a branch of zoology that deals with the study of birds, and ornithologist studies the variety of things on birds such as bird anatomy, behavior, biology, evolution, ecology and physiology. For an ornithologist, there is no standard or even an average starting salary because few people are hired strictly as ornithologist. Instead, they are hired as teachers, professors, wildlife biologists, environmental scientists, environmental educators, ecologists, tour leaders, andRead MoreThe Importance Of Threats In Birds809 Words  | 4 PagesWhile in modern birds, CML originates on the pygostyle if present, since it had been either absent or reduced among most birds. Hemal arches were observed in Sapeornis, but not in Confuciusornis. The formation of the pygostyle alone is to enough to cause abrupt reduction of CML in Confuciusornis and in living birds. Researchers believed the complex functional repertoire of extant bird tails was most likely a resul t of decoupling of the tail from the hindlimbs, with further adaptations within theRead MoreNatural History Of Raptors : Raptor Biology And Hunting Methods1251 Words  | 6 Pages Natural History of Raptors Raptor Biology and Hunting Methods Adam M. House Due: June 15, 2015 Dr. Yunger The adaptability and evolutionary history of Raptors is remarkable and a learning opportunity for humans. Some raptors are acrobats and blur through dangerous tree lines and brush to catch prey with its agility and speed. Others take a less energy consuming route by soaring high above plains and grasslands and only take advance towards prey with large talons and its eyesightRead MoreTaking a Look at Adaptation709 Words  | 3 Pagesfor a certain job, such as a bird’s beak for gathering food. This particular adaptation in a bird is caused by natural selection and also functional, therefore it meets at least two of the four criteria. The third criterion is that a trait must increase the animal’s capabilities. This means that the characteristic of the animal must not simply be useful, but it makes survival more likely. A species of bird with certain beak may survive longer than another species without this beak. This is becauseRead MoreContributions Of The Human Genome Project961 Words  | 4 PagesA validity of biological experiment is determined by statistical data. Computational biologists taken biology into account build many different software for calculation required for biostatistics. These software ease biologists’ lives and provided them with a platform to do their mathematics accurately. Moreover, other than biostatistics, computational biologists have taken computational biology further and provide biologists a platform where they can predict about a result before doing the experimentRead MoreThe Evolution Of The Human Body989 Words  | 4 Pagestrait in the human body has been sele cted for through multiple mechanisms of evolution, natural selection being one of them. This theory is intriguing because not long ago it was unheard of to relate humans to fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds. Every highly specialized characteristic such as balance, sight, smell, and more began as an extremely simple mutational advantage. The complexity seems unfathomable to many as to how the human body as been come to be, but everything can be explainedRead MoreThe World s View On Animals1275 Words  | 6 Pageshundreds of species go extinct and the list of endangered animals grows twice as fast. Zoos and research facilities take in endangered species to prevent the population from disappearing. Vinzenz Ziswiler’s book, Extinct and Vanishing Animals: A Biology of Extinction and Survival describes a project conducted in 1951 under Peter Scott to the save Hawaiian geese from going extinct. The last thirty individuals of the species were held in captivity and th ey underwent a breeding program in which, â€Å"TheRead MoreDarwin s Theory Of Evolution1620 Words  | 7 Pagesthe result of an Artificial Selection, where humans picked desirable features and bred them to produce or enhance these features in their offspring (Pojeta Springer, 2001). Darwin noticed a variation of finches when he went to the Galapagos. The birds have a wide range of beak shape and size to suit the environment that they lived in and the food source that was available (American Museum of Natural History, 2015). It has been observed that some species have undergone rapid changes in order to suitRead MoreNatural Selection Of Carmel Origami Birds1886 Words  | 8 Pages Modelling Natural Selection Carmel Origami Birds -Dry Lab Sasha Pollak Ms. Sharp Grade 11 U Biology October.7th/2014 Natural Selection of the Carmel Origami Bird: Dry Lab The Avis Papyrus, more commonly known as the Carmel Origami Bird, native to the sparsely spaced Cool Creek Islands, was subject to a study of its evolutionary success. These birds must travel long distances to get between the islands they inhabit in order to survive long enough to produce offspring;Read MoreOutline Template for Apa Guidelines1075 Words  | 5 Pagesof permitting them on the ocean and private lakes, provided they stay away from shallow water. D. My information comes from The National Parks and Conservation Association; the Environmental Protection Agency; Dr. Joanna Burger, professor of biology at Rutgers University, and Dr. Ken Cordell, wildlife expert at the University of Georgia. (Transition: Let’s examine the first reason why jet skis should be banned.} BODY I. Jet skis destroy peace and quiet. A. People go to national
Friday, December 13, 2019
International Journal Of Marketing Studies â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The International Journal Of Marketing Studies? Answer: Introduction: Presenting the organizational values to the business partners is very necessary to keep their trust with the company. Such presentation needs to be very good and informative as well. In this regard, it is important that the senior executive must have the presentation approval signed and verified by the company's owner as this will ensure a maximum input of the organizational values. The main purpose of this assignment is to prepare one of the kinds of an approval and get that signed by the owner of the Marriott International hotel. The approval will include all the necessary elements that are covered in the report body. Company profile: Marriott International was found in the year 1997 as a lodging company. Since then, it minted huge success and as of the December 2016, it has franchised or licensed 6,080 properties across the world (Editorial, 2018). The number of rooms is 1, 190, and 604 (Editorial, 2018). The company operates mainly in three business segments like International, North American Full-Service and North American Limited-Service (Editorial, 2018). They offer service in three quality formats like Select, Luxury, and Premium (Editorial, 2018). Its competitors are Intercontinental Hotels Group, Choice, Carlson, Accor, La Quinta, Best Western and Hilton (Editorial, 2018). Competency level: The competency level at the Marriott International has been maintained by focusing on long-term goals. They have been successful through an effective use of the business model that gives utmost value to customer service (Al-Zoubi Alomari, 2017). Nevertheless, the company could have escaped from the effect of the global recession by focusing much on the marketing activities and the customer service. The recession was also responded with a strategic approach that had resulted in cutting the total costs. Moreover, the move had ensured a stable cash flow even during the global recession (Al-Zoubi Alomari, 2017). The competency was also maintained with an extensive focus on nurturing the employee and the associated groups. Unlike many hotel companies, Marriott has used technology to a good cause to retain its competitiveness (Al-Zoubi Alomari, 2017). Historical performance: There have been several moments when the Marriott International hotel has achieved the historical feats. One of the historical feats was achieved in the year 2016 when the company has successfully increased its room numbers. The company had opened up a record 55,000 rooms in the same year (Marriott News Center, 2018). The figure excludes a mammoth total of 381,000 rooms that the company was able to open up after it had acquired the Starwood (Marriott News Center, 2018). The combined company had agreed on signing a deal that included 880 new hotels (Marriott News Center, 2018). The company is well positioned to capitalize on the success that it had attained in the year 2016. The company will be able to earn much more success in long-term. Moreover, the company has been absolutely good for the development partners as they have been able to get the expected returns on investment (Marriott News Center, 2018). Conclusion: To conclude, an effective and a progressive financial performance has indeed become a much necessary thing in the hospitality industry. The fact has also been observed through this assignment as Marriott International is doing very hard to get to the top position, which is currently being dominated by the Hilton International. The acquisition of Starwood Hotels Resorts has so far produced good results by supporting a growth in the net revenues. However, the revenue is still quite lesser than the net revenues of Hilton International. The revenue is indeed expected to go up and affect the position of Hilton by helping Marriott International get to the top position. References: Al-Zoubi, A. F., Alomari, M. (2017). The Role of Internal Customer in Improving the Quality of Hotel Services in Jordan: A Case Study of the Marriott International Hotel in Amman.International Journal of Marketing Studies,9(6), 87-92. (2018) Retrieved 25 January 2018, from Editorial, R. (2018).Company Profile for ${Instrument_CompanyName}.IN. Retrieved 25 January 2018, from Marriott International, Inc. (2018).Marriott International, Inc..Marriott International, Inc.. Retrieved 26 January 2018, from Marriott News Center. (2018).Marriott News Center. Retrieved 25 January 2018, from Marriott News Center. (2018).Marriott News Center. Retrieved 26 January 2018, from [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Jan. 2018].
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Amherstburg Freedom
Question: Discuss about the Emancipation Celebration and African-American History in Amherstburg Freedom Museum. Answer: African-American History in Amherstburg Freedom Museum It is always a pleasure and scintillating experience to visit some interesting places or attend some memorable events in order to not only have a sense of relaxation but also to develop a thorough understanding regarding several aspects of mankind and its history. With regards to the current assignment, I visited the Amherstburg freedom museum. The museum is popular for offering evidence for educating and inspiring the visitors on the history of the Black people (African-Americans) of the country. The museum provides numerous texts and artifacts which are critical to understanding the history of African-Americans in the country. Furthermore, the preserved records, evidence, and texts help the African-Americans to develop a critical understanding of their own historical backdrop from socio-economic, socio-cultural, and educational perspectives (Amherstburg Freedom Museum, 2017). The experience of visiting this experience provided me with a great source of knowledge and understanding r egarding the history of African-Americans both in USA and Canada. Melvin Simpson and his wife Betty were the first individuals to incorporate the Amherstburg freedom museum in 1975 (Kotsis, 2015). This particular data along with several other critical information regarding the museum was found from the museum archives as well as different writings. The founders had an aim of promoting and glorifying the historical context as well as the development of the African-Americans in the scenario of Canada. The museum also includes a church named as the Nazrey A.M.E. Church which was constructed by numerous slaves as well as independent black people (Kotsis, 2015). The museum occasionally arranges several different kinds of events and programmes. Recently, on 4th August, the museum organized a critically successful event named as the Emancipation Gala Friday night (River Town Times, 2017). The event was arranged in order to celebrate the abolition of slavery through the conceptual introduction of the Slavery Abolition Acton 1st August, 1833 and the actual enforcement of that act exactly after one year (River Town Times, 2017). The event was attended by over 180 people most of whom were from the African-American origins (Harris, 2017). However, a number of other notable individuals including the president and the vice-president of the museum, the former curator of the museum, and several scholars and experts. It should be noted that the celebration of emancipation day started in the region of Windsor during the 1830s and the Amherstburg was one of those primary communities that started such a tradition of celebration (Harris, 2017). Therefore, this event was indeed remarkable not only from the perspectives of the African-Americans' historical contexts but also as per the revival of one of the earliest celebration of emancipation. The event reiterated the fact that the Amherstburg freedom museum is dedicated toward providing service to diverse groups of African-Americans who might have adopted different cultural prospects but still mat ch with each other regarding their historical backgrounds. The lectures and speeches presented during the event helped in assessing why and how exactly the museum was created, the main purposes of establishing the museum, the validity and reliability of the preserved documents or artifacts, and the significance of those materials in evaluating the history of African-Americans in both USA and Canada. References Amherstburg Freedom Museum. (2017).About the Amherstburg Freedom Museum.Amherstburg Freedom Museum. Retrieved 10 August 2017, from Harris, T. (2017).'The spirit is still here' as emancipation celebrated in Windsor 183 years later.Windsor Star. Retrieved 10 August 2017, from news/the-spirit-is-still-here-as-emancipation-celebrated-in-windsor-183-years-later Kotsis, J. (2015).Amherstburg Freedom Museum to mark the 40th anniversary.Windsor Star. Retrieved 10 August 2017, from museum-to-mark-40th-anniversary. River Town Times. (2017).Emancipation Gala presented by Amherstburg Freedom Museum.River Town Times. Retrieved 10 August 2017, from museum/
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