Sunday, December 29, 2019
Gay Marriage Essay - 2268 Words
Early humans learned to communicate and exchange ideas, through a series of melodic utterances that have slowly evolved into complex verbal expressions which have become the template for modern language. In fact, language has given humans the ability to think in words, allowing them to begin questioning complex moral issues that they were previously unaware of, and eventually this has given rise to several theories ethical philosophy. One such theory proposed by Aristotle was that everyone should strive to reach this state of Eudemonia (flourishing happiness). Aristotle’s philosophical view greatly influenced our founding fathers. During a time of great turmoil, the American colonies suffered at the hands of a tyrant, King George III.†¦show more content†¦We did everything together and we grew to be very close. The five of us went to church together every Sunday, and even at such a young age, I had a profound relationship with God. I was not afraid to talk to anyo ne about Jesus, in fact, I told everyone I was going to be a preacher when I grew up. I couldn’t keep quiet; I just knew I had to share with everyone the love Jesus has share with us all. In third grade, my school teacher, Mrs.Worsham, gave our class a journal assignment, asking the class, â€Å"if you could be anyone in the world who would you be and why?†My teacher was so moved by my response she called my home that night and requested a parent teacher conference. She wanted my parents to read my response, and she explained to them that she has never heard such a response from a child in her life. In my response, I said that if I could be anyone in the world, I would choose to be me, that God made me the way he wants me to be, and I want to love myself the way God made me. When I got older and started my transition from childhood to adolescence, I began to have these homosexual urges and desires. I assumed the devil was jealous of my relationship with God, and I could overcome the devil’s temptations by becoming closer to God. I remember each day as I got off the bus from school, I would race into the house, give my Mom a kiss on her check, and as I would hurry up the stairs to myShow MoreRelatedGay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay1850 Words  | 8 Pageswhat it means to be a gay man – even if that is not the language that always would be used to describe homosexual behavior in a given place and time. In the United States, gay marriage has been legalized in all 50 states by a federal court ruling, but many Americans do not realize that there is still a long way to go in terms of embracing gay citizens (and the rest of the LGBT community) into the â€Å" societal norm.†Despite the strides that have been taken to legalize marriage for same sex couples,Read MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1848 Words  | 8 Pageswholly ashamed of. Gay marriage is legal in all 50 United States, something that has been fought for since the conception of the LGBT movement. In fact, gay couples are routinely being featured on popular television and other forms of media. Some might say that in 2016, the dreams of the rioters in Stonewall have been realized. Marriage rights and the spotlight on nighttime television; equality seems to truly be right on the horizon. If one is a white, cis, gay man, that is. Gay women are featuresRead MoreThe Supreme Court Ruling On Gay Marriages893 Words  | 4 PagesIts time for me to share my opinion and perspective regarding the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriages. Forewarning, this post will be long because I have more than just an opinion to express, but rather a story to tell which will enlighten anyone who chooses to read this as to what my true perspective and opinion regarding gay marriages. (and gay people in general as a Christian) A few months ago I faced a difficult time in my life. I was homeless and I had nowhere to stay with my newborn babyRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Accepted And Respected932 Words  | 4 Pagesopen-minded. The rise in the LGTB movement has allowed people to openly express their sexuality without being discriminated against. Although homosexuality has become more socially acceptable, some states still have anti-gay laws and there are numerous individuals who believe that gay marriage is harmful and unnatural. Hozier’s â€Å"Take Me to Church,†Demi Lovato’s â€Å"Really Don’t Care†and Macklemore’s â€Å"Same Love†demonstrate society’s discrimination of homosexuals and why homosexuality should be accepted andRead MoreThe Tragedy of Gay Marriage1757 Words  | 8 PagesWorst Thing About Gay Marriage†presents an interesting argument against gay marriage that hinges upon maintaining a traditional form of marriage. He act ually claims that gay marriage is â€Å"unnecessary†(381). According to Schulman, there are 4 primary effects of marriage within his definition he calls the kinship system. First, marriage protects and controls a woman’s sexuality. Second, the possible pairings are limited by the kinship system to avoid incest or other taboos. Third, marriage creates a situationRead MoreThe Issue Of Gay Marriage1464 Words  | 6 Pages Marriage is one of the oldest, passed down traditions since the beginning of time. As humanity evolves through generations, traditions change, but the act of choosing your partner stays the same. For an example, not until President Barack Obama was in office, gay marriage was unacceptable. When President Obama announced that gay marriage was legal, that was a moment in history that will never be forgotten. The process of marriage continues to be the same, but each generation has been going outRead MoreGay Marriage And Gay Rights2550 Words  | 11 PagesComp II 8 May, 2015 Gay Marriage and Gay Rights For years there has been a debate on gay marriage and gay rights in America. Often government keeps pushing the issue back, or refuses to partake in the debates and discussions on whether or not this type of union is â€Å"legal†in the United States. My hope with this paper is to prove that gay marriage is not in fact unconstitutional, but that there is a right to freedom for everyone, no exclusions. When it comes to gay marriage, there seem to be a numberRead MoreThe Issue Of Gay Marriage Essay3392 Words  | 14 PagesWell it is 2007, and we are still dealing with the issue of gay marriage being good, and not good for America. Now maybe in 20 years gay marriage will be legal in each state, and this issue will be over. However, I deal in reality. And reality tells me the idea of two men frotting inside a home with children, frankly makes people sick to their stomachs. I prefer women, but I think what two grown people do in their bedrooms is their private moral, and legal business. Just like a straight couple thatRead MoreGay Marriage1280 Words  | 6 Pagesburrows, but flamboyantly celebrate their identities. The gays are now a people willing and ready to be heard. It has come to all of our attentions that in the light of marriage they have been depraved and deceived. Homosexuals cannot allow this persecution to continue, as they are constantly forfeited equal rights. The arguments are of lifestyle differences and the legalized discrimination of these people. It encompasses same-sex marriage as a cause worth fighting and defending so that we all mayRead MoreGay Marriage1041 Words  | 5 PagesCompare-Contrast Synthesis 10/11/2013 English 111x Gay Marriage Gay marriage is a topic that is heavily debated in this day and age. Whether or not it should be legal for homosexuals to get married is a theme that authors Andrew Sullivan, who wrote â€Å"For Gay Marriage†and William J. Bennett, who wrote â€Å"Against Gay Marriage†use in there articles. The main points the authors both discus is the meaning of marriage itself, the social impact same sex marriage will have on society, and the influence on children
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Biology Of Bird Flight - 1822 Words
1.3: The Biology of Bird Flight Bird Anatomy How do the wings work? Intro: Birds have beautiful feathers and lovely songs that bring joy and wonder to us humans. And flight is the feature that probably captures the human imagination more than anything else. For millennia, people have watched birds in the sky and wished we could fly, too. There are almost as many ways of flying as there are kinds of birds. Albatrosses glide and soar with long narrow wings stretched out, sometimes staying aloft for hours without a single wing beat. Hummingbirds, on the other hand, can t rest their wings for even a second in flight. Woodpeckers have a swooping flight, crows fly in a straight line, and swallows dart and weave every which way. A bird s breastbone, or sternum, is shaped like a keel to attach the powerful wing muscles. The bones of a bird s wings are surprisingly small compared to the size of the wing. All the bones and muscles of the wing are in the front and covered with feathers that protect and streamline the wing. The actual flight feathers are attached to the wing within little pits in the bones. Body Features: 1- Lack of nose and teeth: these parts are heavy and too forward.To grind their food, their stomachs have a gizzard near their center of gravity. They use their mouth and the nostrils located on the top of their lightweight beak to breathe. 2-Their tail and wing bones are very short: attached to sometimes long (butShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Ornithology643 Words  | 3 PagesOrnithology    Ornithology is a branch of zoology that deals with the study of birds, and ornithologist studies the variety of things on birds such as bird anatomy, behavior, biology, evolution, ecology and physiology. For an ornithologist, there is no standard or even an average starting salary because few people are hired strictly as ornithologist. 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House Due: June 15, 2015 Dr. Yunger The adaptability and evolutionary history of Raptors is remarkable and a learning opportunity for humans. Some raptors are acrobats and blur through dangerous tree lines and brush to catch prey with its agility and speed. Others take a less energy consuming route by soaring high above plains and grasslands and only take advance towards prey with large talons and its eyesightRead MoreTaking a Look at Adaptation709 Words  | 3 Pagesfor a certain job, such as a bird’s beak for gathering food. This particular adaptation in a bird is caused by natural selection and also functional, therefore it meets at least two of the four criteria. The third criterion is that a trait must increase the animal’s capabilities. This means that the characteristic of the animal must not simply be useful, but it makes survival more likely. A species of bird with certain beak may survive longer than another species without this beak. This is becauseRead MoreContributions Of The Human Genome Project961 Words  | 4 PagesA validity of biological experiment is determined by statistical data. Computational biologists taken biology into account build many different software for calculation required for biostatistics. These software ease biologists’ lives and provided them with a platform to do their mathematics accurately. Moreover, other than biostatistics, computational biologists have taken computational biology further and provide biologists a platform where they can predict about a result before doing the experimentRead MoreThe Evolution Of The Human Body989 Words  | 4 Pagestrait in the human body has been sele cted for through multiple mechanisms of evolution, natural selection being one of them. This theory is intriguing because not long ago it was unheard of to relate humans to fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds. Every highly specialized characteristic such as balance, sight, smell, and more began as an extremely simple mutational advantage. The complexity seems unfathomable to many as to how the human body as been come to be, but everything can be explainedRead MoreThe World s View On Animals1275 Words  | 6 Pageshundreds of species go extinct and the list of endangered animals grows twice as fast. Zoos and research facilities take in endangered species to prevent the population from disappearing. Vinzenz Ziswiler’s book, Extinct and Vanishing Animals: A Biology of Extinction and Survival describes a project conducted in 1951 under Peter Scott to the save Hawaiian geese from going extinct. The last thirty individuals of the species were held in captivity and th ey underwent a breeding program in which, â€Å"TheRead MoreDarwin s Theory Of Evolution1620 Words  | 7 Pagesthe result of an Artificial Selection, where humans picked desirable features and bred them to produce or enhance these features in their offspring (Pojeta Springer, 2001). Darwin noticed a variation of finches when he went to the Galapagos. The birds have a wide range of beak shape and size to suit the environment that they lived in and the food source that was available (American Museum of Natural History, 2015). It has been observed that some species have undergone rapid changes in order to suitRead MoreNatural Selection Of Carmel Origami Birds1886 Words  | 8 Pages Modelling Natural Selection Carmel Origami Birds -Dry Lab Sasha Pollak Ms. Sharp Grade 11 U Biology October.7th/2014 Natural Selection of the Carmel Origami Bird: Dry Lab The Avis Papyrus, more commonly known as the Carmel Origami Bird, native to the sparsely spaced Cool Creek Islands, was subject to a study of its evolutionary success. These birds must travel long distances to get between the islands they inhabit in order to survive long enough to produce offspring;Read MoreOutline Template for Apa Guidelines1075 Words  | 5 Pagesof permitting them on the ocean and private lakes, provided they stay away from shallow water. D. My information comes from The National Parks and Conservation Association; the Environmental Protection Agency; Dr. Joanna Burger, professor of biology at Rutgers University, and Dr. Ken Cordell, wildlife expert at the University of Georgia. (Transition: Let’s examine the first reason why jet skis should be banned.} BODY I. Jet skis destroy peace and quiet. A. People go to national
Friday, December 13, 2019
International Journal Of Marketing Studies â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The International Journal Of Marketing Studies? Answer: Introduction: Presenting the organizational values to the business partners is very necessary to keep their trust with the company. Such presentation needs to be very good and informative as well. In this regard, it is important that the senior executive must have the presentation approval signed and verified by the company's owner as this will ensure a maximum input of the organizational values. The main purpose of this assignment is to prepare one of the kinds of an approval and get that signed by the owner of the Marriott International hotel. The approval will include all the necessary elements that are covered in the report body. Company profile: Marriott International was found in the year 1997 as a lodging company. Since then, it minted huge success and as of the December 2016, it has franchised or licensed 6,080 properties across the world (Editorial, 2018). The number of rooms is 1, 190, and 604 (Editorial, 2018). The company operates mainly in three business segments like International, North American Full-Service and North American Limited-Service (Editorial, 2018). They offer service in three quality formats like Select, Luxury, and Premium (Editorial, 2018). Its competitors are Intercontinental Hotels Group, Choice, Carlson, Accor, La Quinta, Best Western and Hilton (Editorial, 2018). Competency level: The competency level at the Marriott International has been maintained by focusing on long-term goals. They have been successful through an effective use of the business model that gives utmost value to customer service (Al-Zoubi Alomari, 2017). Nevertheless, the company could have escaped from the effect of the global recession by focusing much on the marketing activities and the customer service. The recession was also responded with a strategic approach that had resulted in cutting the total costs. Moreover, the move had ensured a stable cash flow even during the global recession (Al-Zoubi Alomari, 2017). The competency was also maintained with an extensive focus on nurturing the employee and the associated groups. Unlike many hotel companies, Marriott has used technology to a good cause to retain its competitiveness (Al-Zoubi Alomari, 2017). Historical performance: There have been several moments when the Marriott International hotel has achieved the historical feats. One of the historical feats was achieved in the year 2016 when the company has successfully increased its room numbers. The company had opened up a record 55,000 rooms in the same year (Marriott News Center, 2018). The figure excludes a mammoth total of 381,000 rooms that the company was able to open up after it had acquired the Starwood (Marriott News Center, 2018). The combined company had agreed on signing a deal that included 880 new hotels (Marriott News Center, 2018). The company is well positioned to capitalize on the success that it had attained in the year 2016. The company will be able to earn much more success in long-term. Moreover, the company has been absolutely good for the development partners as they have been able to get the expected returns on investment (Marriott News Center, 2018). Conclusion: To conclude, an effective and a progressive financial performance has indeed become a much necessary thing in the hospitality industry. The fact has also been observed through this assignment as Marriott International is doing very hard to get to the top position, which is currently being dominated by the Hilton International. The acquisition of Starwood Hotels Resorts has so far produced good results by supporting a growth in the net revenues. However, the revenue is still quite lesser than the net revenues of Hilton International. The revenue is indeed expected to go up and affect the position of Hilton by helping Marriott International get to the top position. References: Al-Zoubi, A. F., Alomari, M. (2017). The Role of Internal Customer in Improving the Quality of Hotel Services in Jordan: A Case Study of the Marriott International Hotel in Amman.International Journal of Marketing Studies,9(6), 87-92. (2018) Retrieved 25 January 2018, from Editorial, R. (2018).Company Profile for ${Instrument_CompanyName}.IN. Retrieved 25 January 2018, from Marriott International, Inc. (2018).Marriott International, Inc..Marriott International, Inc.. Retrieved 26 January 2018, from Marriott News Center. (2018).Marriott News Center. Retrieved 25 January 2018, from Marriott News Center. (2018).Marriott News Center. Retrieved 26 January 2018, from [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Jan. 2018].
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Amherstburg Freedom
Question: Discuss about the Emancipation Celebration and African-American History in Amherstburg Freedom Museum. Answer: African-American History in Amherstburg Freedom Museum It is always a pleasure and scintillating experience to visit some interesting places or attend some memorable events in order to not only have a sense of relaxation but also to develop a thorough understanding regarding several aspects of mankind and its history. With regards to the current assignment, I visited the Amherstburg freedom museum. The museum is popular for offering evidence for educating and inspiring the visitors on the history of the Black people (African-Americans) of the country. The museum provides numerous texts and artifacts which are critical to understanding the history of African-Americans in the country. Furthermore, the preserved records, evidence, and texts help the African-Americans to develop a critical understanding of their own historical backdrop from socio-economic, socio-cultural, and educational perspectives (Amherstburg Freedom Museum, 2017). The experience of visiting this experience provided me with a great source of knowledge and understanding r egarding the history of African-Americans both in USA and Canada. Melvin Simpson and his wife Betty were the first individuals to incorporate the Amherstburg freedom museum in 1975 (Kotsis, 2015). This particular data along with several other critical information regarding the museum was found from the museum archives as well as different writings. The founders had an aim of promoting and glorifying the historical context as well as the development of the African-Americans in the scenario of Canada. The museum also includes a church named as the Nazrey A.M.E. Church which was constructed by numerous slaves as well as independent black people (Kotsis, 2015). The museum occasionally arranges several different kinds of events and programmes. Recently, on 4th August, the museum organized a critically successful event named as the Emancipation Gala Friday night (River Town Times, 2017). The event was arranged in order to celebrate the abolition of slavery through the conceptual introduction of the Slavery Abolition Acton 1st August, 1833 and the actual enforcement of that act exactly after one year (River Town Times, 2017). The event was attended by over 180 people most of whom were from the African-American origins (Harris, 2017). However, a number of other notable individuals including the president and the vice-president of the museum, the former curator of the museum, and several scholars and experts. It should be noted that the celebration of emancipation day started in the region of Windsor during the 1830s and the Amherstburg was one of those primary communities that started such a tradition of celebration (Harris, 2017). Therefore, this event was indeed remarkable not only from the perspectives of the African-Americans' historical contexts but also as per the revival of one of the earliest celebration of emancipation. The event reiterated the fact that the Amherstburg freedom museum is dedicated toward providing service to diverse groups of African-Americans who might have adopted different cultural prospects but still mat ch with each other regarding their historical backgrounds. The lectures and speeches presented during the event helped in assessing why and how exactly the museum was created, the main purposes of establishing the museum, the validity and reliability of the preserved documents or artifacts, and the significance of those materials in evaluating the history of African-Americans in both USA and Canada. References Amherstburg Freedom Museum. (2017).About the Amherstburg Freedom Museum.Amherstburg Freedom Museum. Retrieved 10 August 2017, from Harris, T. (2017).'The spirit is still here' as emancipation celebrated in Windsor 183 years later.Windsor Star. Retrieved 10 August 2017, from news/the-spirit-is-still-here-as-emancipation-celebrated-in-windsor-183-years-later Kotsis, J. (2015).Amherstburg Freedom Museum to mark the 40th anniversary.Windsor Star. Retrieved 10 August 2017, from museum-to-mark-40th-anniversary. River Town Times. (2017).Emancipation Gala presented by Amherstburg Freedom Museum.River Town Times. Retrieved 10 August 2017, from museum/
Thursday, November 28, 2019
American Foreign Aid
Table of Contents Introduction Justification for the Foreign Aid Objectives Types of Foreign Aid Foreign Aid Programs Works Cited Introduction The American foreign aid is one of the instruments used to extend American dominance in the world. In other words, it is a tool of foreign policy because it gives the US an advantage in the world politics. Reviews are made on the foreign aid yearly whereby the legislature and the executive agree on modalities of the instrument. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on American Foreign Aid specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Changes are made regarding the composition, objectives and the size of the aid. Recently, the US has been forced to change its strategy following the 9/11 attack. Foreign aid is specifically used to safeguard the American interests related to security. Before the world wars, the US foreign policy was no-interventionist in nature. The policy changed after the S econd World War mainly due to President Truman’s policy of containment. Communism was to be countered in all parts of the world using available mechanisms, including foreign aid. This paper analyzes the various types of foreign aid and how they were used during the Second World War, during the cold war and after the world wars. The effectiveness of the foreign aid is also discussed. Justification for the Foreign Aid Various American governments have always come up with foreign policies aiming at enhancing the American national security. The first American foreign aid came in after the Second World, popularly referred to as the Marshall Plan (1948-1951). In the 1980s, the foreign aid policies aimed at taming the spread of communism. The states that were gaining independence at the time were prevented from adopting communist ideas since they could hurt the American dream of dominating the world. In this case, USSR was to be prevented from taking control of the Latin America, Southeast Asia and Africa. Foreign aid was mostly given out in form of economic benefits and military assistance. After the Cold War, foreign aid policies took a new shape since states were held responsible, especially on matters related to governance. Foreign aid was no longer used to appease states to reject communism since USSR was no more. For instance, the US foreign aid focused on Middle East conflict system. The US utilized its military and economic power to bring sanity and tranquility in the Middle East societies. In Europe, the aid was used to restore democracy in the newly independent East European states. The aid was also used to end drug trafficking in various parts of the Latin America. Consequently, the fall of the USSR reduced the American funding in the third world. Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More After the 9/11 attack, foreign aid gained momentum where states around the Middle East such as Pakistan and India received military aid. American foreign policy makers noted that global development was vital in case national interests are to be realized (Calvocoressi 78). Foreign aid has been an issue that has raised a heated debate because realists view it as a tool used by the state to enhance its foreign domination. In this sense, the government uses the foreign aid to improvement relations between Americans and other nationals in foreign states. This would give Americans an advantage since they would be in a position to produce and distribute goods easily in other states. Liberalists would argue that foreign aid is specifically used to help those in need. This is because the US is charged with a moral responsibility to help those in need. Objectives Foreign policy formulators have justified foreign aid as a technique since it promotes the financial development and reduces poverty among the American citizens. The main objective of foreign aid as c laimed by realists is to fulfill the American interest. Even though liberalists argue that foreign aid improves foreign states’ governance, the main aim is to command conformity, which is very important in trade. Other objectives of foreign aid include dealing with population increase, increasing access to fundamental education and health care, defending the atmosphere, supporting constancy in conflictive areas, caring about human rights, limiting weaponry propagation, intensification of alliances, and tackling drug manufacture and trafficking. In case the above objectives are met, the US would achieve its national interests in the simplest way. Global security would allow American investors to participate in trade easily. It is upon the realization that poverty and few chances are the major causes of insecurity in the world. The US should therefore fund various programs in foreign states to limit the chances of political insecurity. It is noted different foreign aid progra ms support different American aims and goals. However, foreign aid programs can be combined to fulfill the broader objective of the state. Multilateral and bilateral aid may combine to come up with a powerful policy that would best meet the demands of Americans. Military and economic aids exist to implement American wishes in the Middle East and South Asia. Foreign aid policies in the Latin America aim at countering drug trafficking.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on American Foreign Aid specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Types of Foreign Aid The US government uses two major types of foreign aid to enhance its objectives. The two types differ because each of them has specific aims and objectives. Bilateral development assistance programs are mainly used to enhance sustainable financial growth and socio-political strength in the third world. The funds released through this program are managed by the American agency, USAID. The funds are used to finance economic project, with long-term objectives. In the third world, the USAID uses the funds to promote microeconomic projects, which would help people sustain their own lives. Through the funds, various American dreams are achieved, such egalitarianism, ecological fortification, population control, and development of human wellbeing (Barston 56). Development plans that have received more fame in modern years consist of fundamental education, water and hygiene, and support for management of HIV/AIDS and other communicable infections. Additional bilateral assistance is channeled to specific agencies such as African Development Foundation, the Peace Corps, Inter-American, Millennium Challenge Corporation, and Trade and Development Agency. Bilateral assistance has been used variously to advance the American objectives. For instance in Kenya, the US government collaborated with the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to introduce structural ad justment programs. The programs were aimed at opening up society in 1986 and creating an enabling environment for individual fulfillment. It can be reported that bilateral assistance has been successful in fulfilling the American objectives. On the other hand, the US has not been using multilateral form of assistance. A small share of the total funds is allocated to multilateral assistance. Multilateral funds are used jointly with funds from other states to fund social services. It can be observed that, the US rarely uses multilateral type of assistance because the national interests are not achieved. Foreign Aid Programs The Marshal Plan was aimed at reconstructing Europe after the Second World War. Europe had suffered huge losses since many people were killed while others were wounded. Many companies and factories in England, France, Germany, Italy, Poland and other parts of Europe had been destroyed. Europe could not exercise agriculture because farmers had been destabilized by t he war. Infrastructure was badly affected implying that goods could not be moved from one part of the region to the other. Between 1945 and 1947, the US came up with foreign direct investment programs to rebuild Europe. Through the UN, the US offered humanitarian aid to Greece. The Head of state, Harry Truman, appointed an expert named George Marshal. Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The program under Marshal was named the European Recovery Program. The program was mainly aimed at rebuilding economies of the European states. The US government offered technical assistances and administrative advises to states in need such as Germany and Poland. In total, the European states received $13 billion, which involved relief food, fuel and farm machinery. The program was terminated in 1951 after realizing that all European states were stable. From the program, the US government benefited a lot because US firms could easily produce and distribute goods in the European continent. It can be observed that the program was successful because the American national interests were achieved. Point Four program was another foreign aid assistance that aimed at uplifting the lives of the poor in the third world during the cold war. It was aimed providing technical skills and knowledge to the policy makers of the third world. Through the program, investment capital would move freely from the industrialize states to the less developed. The program was the fourth in President Truman’s agenda launched in 1949. This was upon realization that Europe was already under the American control. The program would give the US access to the economies of developing nations, especially in Africa and South Asia. During the Cold War period, the policy was effectively used to win the states that were still confused on whether to adopt capitalism or communism. Public Law 480 (PL 480) was a food program that was aimed at assisting the developing countries faced by food shortages. The program has four major parts, the first part is managed by the US department of Agriculture while the three parts are managed by the USAID. Dwight Eisenhower signed the program into law in 1954. The main aim of the law was give American farmers a chance to export their products to countries facing deficiencies. Through the program, American farmers were able to invest abroad since their commod ities could be exchanged with other products. In 1961, F. Kennedy redefined the program, by renaming it Food for Peace. The US government could use the aid to demand for transparency and openness in the foreign states. Good governance was liberalization of the economy was one of the requirements in case a particular state was to benefit from the program after the Cold War. During the Cold War, states could receive the aid by supporting American ideologies. In 1991, the US used the program to bar African states from attending an economic conference that would have affected American businesses in the continent (Domingo 13). Economic Support Funds are meant to help states recovering from wars, especially those in Africa. The US government would come up with various strategies on how to help the third world country to develop. The US utilizes this chance to achieve its national interests. For instance, trade barriers barring the US from accessing the economies of the third world are al ways reviewed during the formulation of policies. American businesspersons are always represented in key decision-making agencies in the third world. Works Cited Barston, Ronald. Modern diplomacy. New York, NY: Pearson Education, 2006. Print Calvocoressi, Ambrose. World Politics since 1945. 9th ed. New York: Longman, 2008. Print. Domingo, Richard. The New Global Law. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Print. This essay on American Foreign Aid was written and submitted by user Erick Mcknight to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Entendiendo la Forma Superlativa en Ingls
Entendiendo la Forma Superlativa en Ingls A continuacià ³n se muestra cà ³mo construir la forma superlativa en inglà ©s: Adjetivos de una Slaba Ponga un the antes del adjetivo y agregue -est al final deà ± adjetivo (Nota: duplique la consonante final si es precedida por una vocal) Ejemplos: cheap - the cheapest / hot - the hottest / high - the highest Ejemplos: Today is the hottest day of the summer.This book is the cheapest I can find. Adjetivos de Dos, Tres o Ms Slabas Ponga the most antes del adjetivo Ejemplos: interesting - the most interesting / difficult - the most difficult Ejemplos: London is the most expensive city in England.That is the most beautiful painting here. Adjetivos de Dos Slabas que Terminan en -y Ponga the antes del adjetivo, quite la y del adjetivo y aà ±ada iest. Ejemplos: happy - the happiest / funny - the funniest Ejemplos: New York is the noisiest city in the USA.He is the most important person I know. EXCEPCIONES IMPORTANTES Existen algunas excepciones importantes a estas reglas. A continuacià ³n hay dos de las excepciones ms importantes: Good good - adjectivethe best - superlative Ejemplos: Peter is the best golf player in the school.This is the best school in the city. Bad bad - adjectivethe worst - superlative Ejemplos: Jane is the worst student in the class.This is the worst day of my life. Pruebe su conocimiento con esta breve prueba.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The relationship between stock markets and economic development Essay
The relationship between stock markets and economic development - Essay Example Empirical studies do suggest that a well developed stock market can considerably support economic growth in the long run through faster capital accumulation, improved resources allocation and exploiting the prevalence of positive sentiment across the country. (Ahmed, Ali & Shahbaz, 2008) In 19th and 20th centuries, academicians such as Bagehot (1873) and Schumpeter (1911) had focused on contribution of financial sector to economy. The main function of money or capital in the initial years was to trade in credit for the purpose of financing development before the Great Depression. Gurley and Shaw (1955) were the first to study the relationship between financial markets and real activity. However, the direct relationship was not very clear until recently. Recent literature has paid much attention to banking reforms which directly affected both the stock markets and economic growth relationships. Levine (1997) suggested that liquid market spread can lead to stable and long term investments leading to economic growth through reduced transaction expenditure. While the conventional economists always believed that there was no direct relation between stock market growth and economic growth because of presence of level effect and not the rate effect. Many of them in fact be lieved that stock markets actually harm the economic growth due to its volatile nature, market flexibility due to unstructured and unexplainable sentiments and generally no justification for sudden surge or fall in stock indexes leading to perceived gains and losses of millions of dollars in a fraction of a day. However, there has been considerable growth of stock market share in economic direction of a country. During late 90s over a period of a decade, the total value of world’s stock markets rose from $4.7 trillion to $15.2 trillion while capitalisation share jumped fro 4% to 13%. (Levine 1998). The figures have since seen exponential growth in the past decade too, with world economy growing
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Google and Yahoo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7000 words
Google and Yahoo - Essay Example Organizational structure, design and culture play an imperative role in organizational effectiveness and success. This is because they assist an organization to comprehend itself and enable the workers to work together to achieve all the tasks and achieve all the objectives of the company. These are aspects that an organization cannot neglect in its development. The concepts of organizational culture, structure and design have received considerable attention within organizational theory in the past decade. Researchers, consultants and mangers, have gravitated to the conception of culture, structure and design to encompass the special approach to life and creation of meanings which evolve within an organization. Different organizations have different organizational structures, designs and cultures. Yahoo incorporation is one of the renowned companies in the world for its internet services. It is an American company that offers search engine services, web portal, internet directory, ne ws, finance and advertising. Some of the services offered by Yahoo Company include â€Å"Yahoo Directory, Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo News, and Yahoo Answers†(Media Relations, 2005). According to Media Relations (2005), approximately seven hundred million people use its internet services every month. ... Yahoo incorporation faces stiff competition from Google Company. Google is an American company that offers internet services and products. Such products and services include cloud computing, software, search, and advertising technologies. Google was established by Brin Sergey and Page while studying in Stanford University in 1996 (Google, 2013). These two founders own about 17 percent of the stake of the company. The company offers internet software including electronic mail, social networking and office suite. The company has ventured into mobile phone software where it leads innovator of Android mobile phone operating system. The company has ventured a lot into the communications hardware by partnering with primary electronic producers across the world (Google, 2013). Google Company operates an estimate of one million servers across the world, with more than one billion search requests every day. According to CNBC (2007), Goggle is the most visited search engine and website across the world. Just like Yahoo, Google offers its search services in different languages. It is one of the best performing corporations in the world. Google Company also owns You Tube and Blogger sites. This company started as a research project. It was initially referred as â€Å"BackRub†where it only analyzed other websites to determine their relevance. It was later named Google, and started working under Stanford University’s website (Google, 2013). The company is headed by a CEO. The multifaceted contacts between employees and workers in Google are seen as determinants of behavior in the place of work (Eliud, 2012). It is one of the companies with a unique organizational culture. Part I: Structure and Design Organizational structure implies an
Monday, November 18, 2019
Woodrow Wilson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Woodrow Wilson - Essay Example While this ship is perhaps the most historically significant, German submarines demonstrated a history of interference with United States ships. While the two countries reached a post-1915 treaty, Germany ultimately decided to break this treaty in 1917, clearing the way for future aggressive actions, including the sinking of five American ships. In addition to German interference with American neutrality, the Zimmerman telegram constituted a major contributing factor for United States involvement. This telegram was sent between Germany and Mexico, intercepted by British intelligence and interpreted. The telegram indicated that if Mexico joined the war on Germany’s side, in victory they would be award the lost territories of Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico. It seems that such a telegram was a valid reason for entering the war. While it would be naà ¯ve to assume that this telegram was a primary reason for the United States involvement, such a telegram clearly demonstrated to the United States public that German aggression extended beyond involvement in Europe but was increasingly advancing to their backyard. Still, it’s clear that United States involvement was inevitability after Germany broke neutrality, such that the Zimmerman telegram was only a pretext. Considering prominent theorists, it’s clear that America had in large part already broken neutrality. Prior to declaring war on Germany the United States had actively contributed to the war effort through supplying the Britain with military supplies and funding. As such, it’s clear that the United States involvement in World War I was not only inevitable recurrent to the Zimmerman telegram, but to an extent had already occurred. Had the United States refrained from entering World War I it’s highly possible history would be greatly altered. The United States involvement ensured that German aggression would be stopped
Friday, November 15, 2019
Leadership And Culture In South Africa Management Essay
Leadership And Culture In South Africa Management Essay The requirement level of leadership to contain cultural diversity has raised the continuing progress of globalization. As the facts that many contemporary leaders are confronting with, they are left no choice but to make every effort to combine all cultural components inside his or her team, it is the only way to make organizational behaviors work effectively nowadays. Especially in South Africa, national leadership based on cultural clusters is extremely important for any business growth and effective leadership. Cultural integration has made major impacts on a number of issues including perceived leadership style, satisfaction and trust between leaders and employees. History Africa is the only one continent which has completely witnessed the evolvement of human beings. Archaeologists have successfully found the most original and earliest fossil of completely evolved human being, which indicate the conclusion, as demonstrated in Evolving Theory by Darwin, that Africa is considered to be the original source of human beings birth. It has been shown by a number of archaeological documents that people in each tribe of Africa had created and developed phenomenal ancient civilization for the first time in human beings history. In ancient ages, while western colonists were still locked in by glaciers, the living situation on the continent of Africa had reached peak. At that age, the Nile River was nourishing surrounding areas and the Sahara was still covered by Greenland and forests. Especially the Egyptian civilization needs to be discussed. They were the first people who successfully calculated PI as 3.16. And their achievements in construction, sculpture and paintings were remarkable as well. Pyramid and Sphinx are still the most astounding construction miracles existing in modern world, which could be also taken as a monument for talented Egyptian people. Geographical Settings Geographically, the continent of Africa can be divided into five different areas, respectively as Eastern Africa, Western Africa, Northern Africa, Southern Africa and Middle Africa. Particular climate and special geographical setting has given Africa abundant treasures and resources, which are being traded to every corner of the world. Nowadays, South Africa is famous for the abundance of mineral resource, including oil, gold and some types of rare elements. Social Relationships The language context after colonial administration in South Africa has left behind many evidences in the situation of local governments, police system, and military institutions. Education When it comes to the topic of education in South Africa, a complicated relationship between Arabian and Education had been established. Hence, the major issue of South African education has been in the center of the process of Arabian transformation. Three of this transformation include, to promote the Arabic language by building up standards and modernizing them to meet the new requirement of independent South Africa, to gradually replace French with standardized Arabic in all formal areas of lives, and to conserve authenticity of South African unique culture and value system or belief, as well as to make sure political unity and socio cultural coherence. Language Language plays an important role in modern development of South Africa, both positively and negatively. In order to maintain and strengthen major national cohesion and identity a wide range of countries in Southern Africa, language is functioning as a significant sign of group identity, in relation to a communicative system existing from different population groups. This function always stimulates a natural sense of solidarity among communities to create feeling as belonging to some group, which is much larger than local or regional area. In the complicated language environment in Africa, highly complicated set of linguistic configurations, which are presented by many continents nations, reflects a major need for caring and precautious attention to national integration. According to the 2001 census, isiZulu is the mother tongue of 23.8% of South Africas population, followed by isiXhosa at 17.6%, Afrikaans at 13.3%, Sesotho sa Leboa at 9.4%, and Setswana and English each at 8.2%. Seso tho is the mother tongue of 7.9% of South Africans, while the remaining four official languages are spoken at home by less than 5% of the population each (2001 census). Summary of spoken language in South Africa SOUTH AFRICAN LANGUAGES 2001 Language Number of speakers* % of total Afrikaans 5 983 420 13.35% English 3 673 206 8.2% IsiNdebele 711 825 1.59% IsiXhosa 7 907 149 17.64% IsiZulu 10 677 315 23.82% Sesotho sa Leboa 4 208 974 9.39% Sesotho 3 555 192 7.93% Setswana 3 677 010 8.2% SiSwati 1 194 433 2.66% Tshivenda 1 021 761 2.28% Xitsonga 1 992 201 4.44% Other 217 291 0.48% TOTAL 44 819 777 100% Religion and other belief systems In the complicated language environment in South Africa, highly complicated set of linguistic configurations, which are presented by many continents nationalities, reflects a major need for caring and precautious attention to national integration. This is one single concept which has been recognized and adopted by majority of South African people as particularly special importance. At the latter half of 20th century, when the concept of independence had finally been achieved by across the whole African continent, the inheritance of largely imposed and arbitrary borders resulted in an immediate emergence of quite a few nations with mixed populations, people of which barely share anything in common, both in language and cultural concepts. According to the 2001 census the overwhelming majority of South Africans, or 79.8%, are Christian. The independent African Zion Christian churches predominate, being the faith of 15.3% of the total population, and 19.2% of all Christians.  · RELIGIONS IN SOUTH AFRICA Religion Number % of total Christianity 35 750 641 79.8% Islam 654 064 1.5% Hinduism 551 668 1.2% Judaism 75 549 0.2% Other beliefs 283 815 0.6% No religion 6 767 165 15% Undetermined 610 974 1.4% TOTAL 44 819 774 100% III. Cultural Dimensions: During the last forty years, people around the world have witnessed a continuous seeking for primary explanations for the astounding growth of Sub-Sahara Africa economies, the region which might be called SSA sometimes. As people summarized about the accelerating growth in Asian countries such as Malaysia and South Korea, Sub-Sahara Africa also demonstrated one pretty good picture of their economic blueprints. And the whole process of accelerating growth happened in the quite similar way with the one in Malaysia and the other in South Korea. Even though these two Asian countries have began to taste the fruits of economic miracles (Akyuz and Gore, 2001), the Situation of South Africa is usually described by some other terms such as disaster or tragedy (UNCTAD, 2004). The major reasons which resulted in this consequence include institutional and structural weakness existing in the economic model and business system of Sub-Sahara Africa. Especially there is barely attention given to pri vate enterprises development in this area. Meanwhile, some obvious issues also exist such as poor governance (Nwankwo and Richards, 2001), management ineptitude (Kamoche, 1997) and limited staff motivation. In generally, the explanation which has been universally acknowledged for South Africas poor economic performance is concerning the concept of Leadership Weakness. Some obvious phenomenon has drawn publics attention. The leaders in African society always lack effective decisions and adapt poorly according to the demands of increasingly complicated economic system (Ochola 2007). Thus, leadership development has attracted policy interest during the past three decades, being guided by the point of view that more African management practices will be needed as ones in western countries, in order to improve their leadership skills. This view has provided intellectual legitimacy for the permanently existing stream of donor funded management group training program and organizational development interventions delivered to African organizations by western consultants. As being outlined by most leadership theories in modern academic society, the other major stream of academy indicated the fact that in South Africa, culture provides a frame of reference or logic by which leadership behavior can be easily understood. For these scholars, culture symbolizes the shared values and standards which gather members of one society or organization together as a homogenous unity, which means people living in one specific cultural environment possess their conduct under the strict regulation through a collection of aspirations and universal orientations. Meanwhile, the social structures which develop through the processes of controlled behaviors are taken as to be orderly and permanently existing. Among the scholars who advocate this strong bonding relationship between leadership and cultural environments, Hofstede is the most remarkable one. Hofstedes cultural dimensions argue that an effective leadership style may be appropriate in cultures which are high in p ower distance, collectivism, masculinity and uncertain avoidance. Meanwhile, he also indicated that this autocratic leadership style might also be conducted being characterized by external environmental orientation. It is true that autocratic leadership might be more proper and well-functioned for societies in which members have a higher concept of hierarchy and are unwilling to bypass the chain of command. In the opposite direction, the relationship-centered or democratic leadership styles are much more efficiently practiced in cultures or societies where power distance is quite low, however, the individualism and femininity in these societies are relatively higher in this dimension. On the other hand, it is easy to find out the fact that this leadership style in cultures or societies where internal environmental orientation would be dominant and featured. Hence, theoretical arguments advanced in the two streams of research, cultural theories and leadership theories, have played an important role in affecting available studies on management in South Africa. However, the arguments have not been synthesized into a coherent framework which can be guiding empirical investigations in the field. A review of the current discourses on the connections between South African culture and leadership demonstrates that scholars are divided on the issue of how culture impacts leadership on the continent. There have been a large number of scholars who use culture to justify the uniqueness of South African Leadership styles, in the process of which culture serves as a unique descriptor, while others maintain African culture as an inhibitor of effective leadership practices. IV. Implications for Organizational behavior in the country cluster One key factor which people need to know, normally ignored from studies of leadership in South Africa is a consideration of the potential significance of cultural context in which leadership and management are being practiced. Recent studies have kept showing increasing awareness of this important factor. The discussion in this paper is dedicated in seeking to reinforce the importance of this line of research for aiming to gain better insights into leadership failures on the continent and to generate guidelines for effective leader development interventions. The macro cultures of South African societies as informing the goals, expectations, relationships and resource allocation decisions of African leaders. These factors reversely help them shape decisions and working patterns in the organizations. And their general contributions would be actually affected to some large scale. Employee motivation Employees are not those who deal with loyal commitment to the company and responsibilities. The leaders are performing this role. To a great extent, those employees are normally hired to provide help to the company. They dont offer feedbacks to the company and are not considered to be going through a systematic training in order to cope with other transformations going on inside the corporations. Thus, employers in South Africa need to provide some leverage for their workers, which can be seen as motivations to push employees moving forward to come up with effective results to help the team and the company. Decision-making processes (both individual group) Leadership decision making processes in South Africa are generally established with some routine international theories of decision making, which are also widely accepted concepts and solutions to other western and Asian countries. Consultations would be another major way for these leaders to develop a final decision. Every team member will be invited into the whole procedure of decision making and forced to provide personal opinions. Their opinions would be equally valued by the rest of team as the leaders decisions. No matter what the final decision would become, this procedure does a lot of benefits than the whole development of team since they provided employees with pride, dignity and motivation to devote them into the career more deeply. Group behaviors, including teams (teambuilding processes) Team building has already become an essential part for any group of workers in South Africa to grow more professionally. It is also the first step for them to bond with other people inside the team with some common interests or needs. In order to establish a more comfortable relationship and steady working environment, team leaders are forced by leadership necessities to undertake several times a month teambuilding activities. Whether these leaders can arrange such event and make sure their employees obtained a good bonding with other peers has become another major standard to measure the capability of leaders behaviors. Actually in South Africa, the multinational companies who just have local offices in this country will assign executive officers from their home country to take over the charge of teams, whose employees are selected from South Africa. Communication The major communication valid in South Africa is based on internet emails and phone calls. The first reason to explain this would be the increasingly more advanced technology worldwide and the whole world has been termed as a village where people from various countries with totally different cultural backgrounds can share information, values, and certain thoughts. And this can be relatively the most efficient way to deal with these communication demands. The reason why business trips are not as many as in other more developed countries is that travelling budget for these officers remains low in South Africa. In addition, South Africa is essentially a very tactile, and then cut it across ethnic boundaries. The back slapping, shaking hands is common for a firm, if it is foreign tourists, can be viewed as a sign of aloofness back away from this approach. For the communication style, many white South Africans, such as commitment to a diplomatic approach and speaking simply, you can confuse with subtlety and ambiguity, unreliable, or lack of it. On the other hand, emphasizes many of the black culture of communication diplomacy or other they openly admit to disappointment that the listener cannot know the answer to the question Power and politics Power and politics is left to higher level society in South Africa. Even though these employees would share thoughts and value systems with other people as soon as possible, their leaders have to deal with powerful partners in the country to make sure their political impacts would stay by their sides. Conflict and negotiation Between white group and black group, there is no difference in conflict and negotiation area, The success of negotiations, the two partners to understand when other people arrive at what you want to understand how the negotiations. Negotiations are thus part of the business culture in South Africa, but a businessman, you should avoid harsh tactics and actions.In South Africa, and business conflict will always be solved personally or at court. Any partnership in the business world of South Africa will be formed based on some sort of agreement where friendship exists, or some middle man stays between two partners as leverage. As this situation is quite common in this country, a large number of business sues would be directly solved personally when three parts of this corporation would all appear. The middle man offers a solution or suggestion, and these two involved partners would seriously discuss the solution based on their common interests. When an agreement to eliminate this confli ct is reached, none of hard feelings remain at all. However, there are still majority of cases which cannot be solved in this way. The court will be the other option. Normally when it comes to the court in South Africa, the involve amount of money would be extremely big enough to be left for personal negotiation. Organizational structure and processes Privatization is the most widely accepted way of organizing businesses in the South Africa because it allows contacts with international business. Businesses with foreign companies are organized through partnership and joint ventures. Foreigners are not allowed to own businesses in most South Africa without having a local citizen as a partner. Organizational Culture Organizational Culture, especially in the country of South Africa, involved a common value system generally held by every single member in a certain team. And this system existing uniquely in every business team varies from one to the other. Significantly affected by the cultural clusters among every single team in South Africa, organizational behaviors under this situation should be carefully undertaken. Not only employing those internationally wide accepted concepts of organizational behaviors but also delicately combining every factor which might make changes to the teams future with these common concepts bring about many obstacles or so called leadership challenges for team leaders in South Africa. Actually, this special requirement has become a major standard to measure the leading capability of leaders in this country. Acrroding the book developing people and organizations, Jackson describes South African organizations as highly hierarchical, centralized and rule bound. Management opposes clear rules, strong leadership, controls its employees and gives well-defined lines of authority. Government still has a very strong influence on business and imposes rules as well. Family has influence on the company especially with the rising importance of blacks and their tendency towards collectivism. Organizational Change South African leaders never stopped making every single effort to bring about positive results to their teams and companies. In order to accomplish this point, making changes inside their organization is a necessarily important step. As mentioned above, in several parts of South Africa, the organization structure, which used to be described as a model where overseas executives act as leaders and domestic employees make general contributions as workers, is undergoing a slight change. The reason resulting in this has something to do the intentional transformation of modern international organizational structure. After all, it would be more efficient for domestic leaders to bond with local employees in that there is a common value system and cultural background shared by them as a whole. The left issue to undertake this major change would be the primary qualification of these domestic leaders in South Africa. Thus, majority of multinational companies who have an office in this country w ould take some actions to offer systematic trainings to these selected leaders. During these trainings, these leaders will be given thoroughly of the companys culture and made to figure out a most effective way to put these thoughts and ideas into other employees minds by taking advantage of their cultural bonding with other members of the group. Implications for leading in country cluster What approach (es) or style(s) of leadership are most commonly used, and which are most/least effective? Euro-centric Approach Management of white group reflects the Euro-centric business, and personal characteristics of a dictatorial and hierarchical authority. The organization from top to bottom in the information flow from the organization, Functions of leadership, decision-makers, she or he is a very important decision. Leadership is also provided to employees through the job description to use a certain amount of power and decision-making and goal orientation. Are controlled by management, employees, to perform his duties to pursue a given target incentive and punishment is based on the ability to receive White measured significant higher than black managers on uncertainty avoidance. This means that white managers show a higher intolerance for uncertainty than black managers. It is important to note that, although white measured higher on uncertainty avoidance than black, both groups scored above average on this dimension. (468-469) Afro-centric Approach With more black community entering business this management approach may become increasingly visible in organizations. The individual is a part of everything and has to find its place in society. People need a sense of belonging somewhere, and the administration need to feel affordable. The attitude of the company is quite informal with a free flow of information. The leader is a facilitator and guide for the group. Employees receive motivation in the group, and the group could improve group performance through peoples pressure. The Black South African management group reflects high levels f collectivism and humane orientation, above average leavels of performance orientation, uncertainty avoidance and power distance, below average levels of assertiveness and future orientation and low level of Gender Egalitarianism. This profile is to a large extent opposed to the western or European management systems and comparable to the afrocentric management system, which emphasizes collective solidarity, inclusivity, collaboration, consensus and group significance, concern for people as well as working for the common good, structure through rituals and ceremonies, patricrchy, respect and dignity. (470) Synergistic Inspirational Approach This third approach is in South Africa, and trying to combine African values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹with Western technology and management practices based on the principle of the rainbow nation. Practical approach of humanism is seeking unity in diversity. A leader must create an atmosphere of trust and respect in different values, and to create common values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and support of learning also is very important.  The company has a strong base of values; you must have a strong vision and proper management. Literally, this approach takes the best of all cultures, saying that attempts to strengthen the bond to meet future growth. It is clear that which leadership is the most effective, but it depends a lot of leaders and managers of organizations, and how quickly the change happened in South Africa. If people recognize the importance of diversity and start seeing the benefits, culture could be adapted. As Madi (1995) argues, Change is taking place in the new South Africa, even corporate culture has started to realize that we are all in Africa, and that the average South African is 15 years old and Black and they, with their sense of values, perceptions, and frames of reference, will be the workforce of tomorrow (470) à ¦Ã…“-à ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ » à ¦Ã‹Å" ¾Ãƒ §Ã‚ ¤Ã‚ ºÃƒ ¥Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ºÃ¢â‚¬ à §Ã… ¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ã¢â‚¬ °Ãƒ ¤Ã‚ ¸Ã‚ à ¥Ã‚ -à §Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ §Ã… ¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ã‚ ¼Ãƒ ©Ã… ¸Ã‚ ³ à ¥Ã‚ -à ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¸ à ¦Ã… ¸Ã‚ ¥Ãƒ §Ã…“†¹Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ -à ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¸Ãƒ ¨Ã‚ ¯Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ §Ã‚ »Ã¢â‚¬ à ¥Ã¢â‚¬ †¦Ãƒ ¥Ã‚ ®Ã‚ ¹ How are leaders developed in these countries? After so many years of research and debate, a culture-based conceptual model of South African leadership has been established. Based on careful consideration, two perspectives on the connection between South African culture and leadership behavior do not conflict with each other that obviously. Corresponding to the complex theory of leadership, people need to admit the fact that there are some necessary components of South African culture that promotes unique and positive leadership behaviors. However, some other components inside the South African culture would play negative roles which might drag effective leadership and management practices back. Therefore, constricted entrepreneurship and economic growth would be affected unexpectedly. It is quite important to understand this complicated situation, in order to confront with the fact that success of any leadership development initiative on the continent and future research should seek to provide us with that knowledge. And the obs ervation underlining conceptualization of leadership proposed in this essay might be useful as a conceptual model, focusing on the importance of three dimensions of leadership. Provide any other leadership insights about leading in this country cluster Employees stay loyally to a certain employers with reasons. The simplest one would be the fact that employers would be their major sources of money, security and opportunities for career development. Some leaders might be not made of but they were instead born with great leaderships. And there might be some major differences between political leaders and leaders in other fields, because those leaders in political world choose to stay there for life. Expatriate Assignment preparation: What key factors need to be considered when training expatriate managers for assignment in your country cluster? Model the way will be the first step to undertake an effective leadership. It doesnt immediately make any difference for just getting a title or a promotion. Instead, what helps the leaders win respects from their followers and gain honors from the companies they serve. Hence, it is quite important for them to perform as a role for their employees to follow. Only by achieving this can a leadership be successfully realized. Second, they have to lock our common target which is making profits by increasing revenue and controlling cost and it was the next move to make everybody in the team to believe that this is the inspired vision, which could bring them an exciting, highly attractive future for our career. INSPIRING A SHARED VISION is the second trick to make team extraordinary. While luck or being in the right place at the right time may play a role in the specific situations, it is believed that challenging the process is a wiser choice. Since they are developing an innovative solution based on a creative product, coming with a cutting-edge service, leading the team to make revolutionary turnaround of current embarrassment is significantly crucial. Now, they are aware of the locked target, inspired a common vision for their future and they are also ready to challenge the process, it is the right time to enable others to act. The leaders need to foster collaboration and build trust, because they understand that grand dreams do not become significant reality through the actions of a single leader, leadership is a team effort. The employees need motivation all the time to remain aggressive during the pursuit of achievement as a team member. What the leaders inside a team can do is to offer encouragement of the heart to stimulate the followers to move on. Especially in contemporary business world, accomplishing one single task requires a lot of efforts and many other factors to contribute. That has become the responsibility for the leaders to keep encouraging their followers to never fall behind.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Beach :: essays research papers
"The Beach" "The Beach" has turned out to be a very controversial film, imposing positive and negative views. Harry, in "The Juice," gave the film an A1 rating with all optimistic remarks. Matt Wolf gave the film a very negative review, mocking every aspect of it. I am going to cover audience, tone, content, organization, and the overall effect. Audience- The audience that Harry tried to reach was a younger crowd that would appreciate the smaller keynotes of the film. With phrases like "Yes I said intriguing, henceforth, this is a kick ass flick, no lie." Wolf leaned toward an adult audience that would be more influenced by larger vocabulary. With words like antecedents, and incremental, that my computer doesn't even have in it's spell check. Along with phrases like "the beaches resident despot, whose officiousness do-exists with a strong sexual appetite." It isn't that I don't understand these phrases and words, but I just don't want to read them in a movie review. Tone- Harry used a tone that was more informal with a smaller vocabulary; words like believable and particularly, words that are understandable. He also used a kind of techno-lingo, which is understandable to teens but not to adults. Wolf used a very formal tone which was directed to adults. As I noted earlier he uses words that aren't even in spell check. His attitude coming into the piece was very negative against the film, with remarks such as, "So how is Leo? Not bad actually, which is more than can be said for a script from John Hodge that ditches most of the novel's tension." Content- The content in Harry's piece was more like a plot summary, with phrases like, "We find a self-contained environment, complete with couples, brothers, and friends, the whole nine yards. This is the main focus of the film." He was more optimistic and just generally nicer in his review. He also used two historical references, such as "Swiss Family Robinson," and "Taxi Driver," that he believed reflected the plot of the film. Wolf used a more quotation-oriented view. He didn't really summarize the film, but just depicted every part and used quotes to reflect his views. He was also very pessimistic as aforementioned. He also imputed a lot of prior history on the book and the film, with many different views on all the parts of the film. Organization- Harry's organization was very loose and difficult to follow; he was not orderly and he really didn't use a outline formation.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
An overview of blood doping Essay
Engaging in competitive sports can take a lot out of the body of an athlete. To be competitive, the athlete would require a lot of stamina. In order to maintain their endurance and drive for competition, red blood cells would have to be injected in the muscles of the athlete. By doing so, they would have a huge advantage over their rivals. This has paved the way for the birth of an illegal method called blood doping or blood packing. The Meaning and Rationale For Blood Doping Doping is usually conducted prior to the start of competition. The blood of the athlete will be collected and then processed so it will accumulate concentrated blood cells. Afterwards, the collected sample will be kept in a freezer so it will be re-injected into the athlete or matched with the sample of a donor before their scheduled event(Pollick, n. d). Blood doping is resorted to by athletes because they believe that getting additional red blood cells will provide more oxygen as well as other vital components to their muscle system which can pave the way for improved endurance and better stamina. For an athlete who is competing in events such as cycling or running, condition is more important than skills and strategies(Pollick, n. d). It is worth noting that another kind of practice known as â€Å"downstream†is a good method designed to maintain the physiological and biological balance of the body. This can be used to compensate for the undesirable effects of â€Å"upstream†doping(CNRS, 1998). Blood Doping Methods There are two ways of injecting blood into the body of an athlete. Autologous doping involves the transfer of the sportman’s own blood which has been frozen until required. Homologous doping, on the other hand, is the transmission of blood from a donor which matches the blood type of the athelete(Pollick, n. d). The History of Blood Doping Ancient Greece was the sight of the first doping attempts by sportsmen. They were believed to have utilized special food and stimulated ingredients to provide them strength. During the 19th century, Greek cyclists used caffeine, strychnine, alcohol, and cocaine(WADA, n.d). In 1904, Thomas Hicks won the gold medal in Olympics by consuming brandy and raw egg, and injecting himself with strychnine shots. By the 1920s, prohibitions on drug use was being put in place(WADA, n. d). The International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) in 1928 pioneered the bannig of performance-enhancing drugs among international sports federations. However, they proved futile due to the absence of testing methods. The problem becam worse with the introduction of synthetic hormones in the 1930s. It was only during the 1960 Rome Olympic Games when Knud Enemark Jensen, a Dutch cyclist, died as a result of amphetamine, did sports authorities made attempts in testing drug use among athletes(WADA, n. d). Cycling and football were the first sports events that conducted drug testing among their athletes. In 1967, the IOC instructed its Medical Commission to come up with an initial listing of prohibited drugs(WADA, n. d. ). By the 1970s, majority of the international sports federations were engaged in drug testing among their athletes. By this time, anabolic steroids were becoming popular particularly among athletes competing in strength competitions. The substance was added to the IOC list in 1976 which resulted to several disqualifications in the latter part of the 1970s(WADA, n. d. ). Drug testing became mandatory in the Olympics beginning at the Winter Olympics and at the Olympics in 1968. Anti-doping measures became even more dire with the death of Tom Simpson at the Tour de France(WADA, n. d. ). Successful Drug Testing Efforts The ten years covering the 1970s to the 1980s became even more complicated after suspicions of some countries engaging in blood doping were aroused. This was proven by the case of the German Democratic Republic. The most notable disqualification of the Olympic Games happened in 1988 when Ben Johnson, who was then the reigning world champion in the 100-meter event, was found positive for using anabolic steroids(WADA, n. d). In 1998, huge stacks of illegal medical drugs were discovered during a raid in the Tour de France. This was quite ironic since France was among the leading countries that enacted anti-doping laws since 1963(WADA, n. d). The scandal that tainted the reputation of the Tour de France as an annual sporting competition made the need for a separate anti-doping agency became even more urgent. A year later, the World Conference on Doping in Sports was initiated by the IOC in Lausanne, Switzerland. During that convention, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) was born(WADA, n. d) Over the years, blood doping has been a banned practice in the Olympic Games as well as in other international sporting events. A major dilemma that the Olympic Games experienced is the use of anabolic steroids, the human growth hormone, and other performance-enhancing substances. While considered illegal, athletes felt that in order for them to stay in a competitive level, they have no choice but to use them(CCES, n. d). With the crumbling of the Berlin Wall and the unification of East and West Germany in the 1990s, evidence surfaced proving that East Germany has been injecting performance-enhancing substances to their atheletes for over 20 years(Guttman, n. d). In order to combat the problem of doping, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) established the World Anti-Doping Agency in 1999. The aim of the agency was to monitor the use of drug in international sports events. As their contribution to this effort, each participating state established their in-house enforcement agencies to conduct monitoring and testing of their own athletes. Mandatory drug testing has become a requirement for competing in the Olympics. During the 2004 Olympic Games hosted by Athens, a record number of 20 athletes faced disqualification for drug penalties(WADA, n. d).
Friday, November 8, 2019
How To Do Facebook Video Marketing The Right Way - CoSchedule Blog
How To Do Facebook Video Marketing The Right Way Blog Facebook is doubling down on video. In fact, 32 billion views per day on Facebook. That’s a mind-blowing statistic, right? The implications for content marketers and social media managers is clear. We need to be investing in video content. But, if youre not a professional videographer, then how do you get started? That’s what we’ll cover in this post. Why Should You Care About Facebook Video? The amount of video watched on Facebook is hard to ignore. That isn’t the only reason why video is important on Facebook, though. There’s also the issue of declining organic reach on the platform. The newsfeed algorithm now makes it harder to earn high organic reach. If video content is particularly popular, however, then there may be an opportunity for content creators to capitalize. If you weren’t feeling the urgency to get started before, you should be now.How To Do Facebook Video Marketing The Right WayStill not convinced? Here are some more fast facts about Facebook video: Get More Mileage Out Of Your Videos With Features From Video content takes effort to create. So, why not make the most of your hard work? With 's robust social sharing features, getting maximum mileage from your video posts is easy. Social Video allows you to upload your videos straight to your calendar and publish them all in one spot: After you've created your post, schedule it to send at the best time automatically with Best Time Scheduling: Finally, stop manually re-scheduling your videos and let ReQueue take care of it for you: Best of all, you can try all this stuff out free for 14 days! Start your trial below (and put the advice in this post into practice). Facebook Video Marketing Mechanics And Best Practices Before we run full steam ahead, let’s get our footing first. Which Video File Types Are Supported? Facebook recommends .MP4 and .MOV files. However, those aren’t your only options. Find every supported format here or use this cheat sheet: Is Native Facebook Video Better Than Posting YouTube Links? Facebook prefers video directly uploaded onto its platform. This may be because it sees itself in competition with YouTube. Directly uploading your video makes it easier for its algorithm to put your video in front of an interested audience. This means your video uploaded directly might get more views, shares, and comments. In fact, a study done by quintly found that native Facebook videos received 186% higher interaction rates than YouTube videos as of December 2016. On #Facebook, native video appears to outperform YouTube links.However, native Facebook video tends to have a shorter shelf life. According to Videomaker, However, by the same token, Facebook posts have a shorter lifespan. In the stream-like flow of the news feed, once a video stops getting likes and shares it quickly sinks to the bottom, rarely to be heard from again. It’s hard to search for old Facebook videos and linking to them directly is problematic. These are huge hurdles. There may be times where either Facebook or YouTube may be best for your video. Figure out which one is best in your case by asking a few questions: Will people care about this video a month from now? If not, the advantage goes to Facebook. Is this video evergreen (meaning it has long-term appeal)? If so, the advantage goes to YouTube. Is this video more than a couple minutes long? This could go either way, but you many want to default to YouTube in this case, for reasons we’ll touch on next. TIP: Remember, you can always upload videos to both Facebook and YouTube, too. What Are Facebook's Video Length Requirements? The maximum length for video on Facebook is 45 minutes. However, according to Tubular Insights, the best length for engagement is around 1:30. Facebook recommends focusing on storytelling, rather than video length. According to Facebook Business, Video length is less important than telling a cohesive and concise story. Your video ad shouldn’t be longer or shorter than it takes to tell your story well, so create a storytelling arc from the first frame to the last that keeps your audience interested along the way. So, how long should your video be? The answer varies, but here are some general suggestions: In general, keep your videos short and to the point. If you have a longer video, consider breaking it up into short, easily digestible episodes. Pay attention to your Facebook video analytics (more on this later on). See what works best. Then, repeat. Facebook videos under two minutes perform best.What Kinds Of Videos Should I Shoot? There are all kinds of different video categories you could create. How do you know which types of videos your audience will like best? The answer will depend on your audience. Here are some ideas to get you thinking: How-to videos. Consider creating quick videos demonstrating how to perform a task. Entertaining videos. These could include videos based on memes, animals doing something goofy, or whatever your imagination can dream up. Behind-the-scenes videos. What’s it like to work at your company? Could you offer a behind-the-scenes look at how you created something (like a cool piece of content or an event)? Product demonstrations. Show off how your product or service works. Customer testimonials. Anyone can talk themselves up. Someone else singing your praises is better. Live video. Live video is Facebook's latest video content type that allows users to broadcast video updates straight to your profile page. Your only limit is your creativity. When it comes to Facebook video, you're limited only by your creativity.What Equipment Do I Need? This depends on your budget. Facebook recommends investing in quality production. If you can afford it, it’s best not to go cheap. A great video idea, combined with polish and effort, can generate incredible results. What if you don’t have access to a production team, though? You’re not out of luck. Select Your Camera Type If you’re shooting video on your own, your first step is gathering equipment. Smartphone. Most smartphones can shoot hi-res video. They may not produce professional-quality results. However, this option can work well enough in a pinch. This guide from MakeUseOf has tons of information on shooting quality smartphone video. Digital SLR. Many professional-quality still cameras can shoot awesome video too. Expect to spend at least $500 for a decent entry-level digital SLR. Handicam. If you’re able to spend a few hundred dollars, an amateur digital camcorder may be enough to get started with. Professional video camera. If you have an in-house videographer, they will probably ask (nay, demand) you invest in professional equipment. Don’t argue with them. Just give them what they need. Getting gear to do #Facebook #video #marketing doesn't have to be expensive.Select Your Mic Audio quality shouldn’t be overlooked here. Smartphone microphone. Smartphone condenser mics can improve your audio quality for not too much money. There appear to be more options available for iOS, which may be something to keep in mind if you’re an Android user. Camera microphone. Like most things, you get what you pay for here. Start at $50 and go up from there. Select Your Tripod A tripod can make a major difference in keeping video stable. Smartphone tripod. A small smartphone tripod can go a long way toward shooting better video. Alternately, consider using a smartphone adapter for a full-size tripod. Monopod. These one-legged tripod alternatives are affordable and lightweight. Actual tripod. The most expensive option. Not coincidentally, this is also the best option. TIP: Don't underestimate the value of a quality tripod. It can make an enormous difference between having a stable shot, or a rocky video.] How Should I Shoot My Video? Never shot video before? No problem! You don’t need to be the next Spielberg to shoot decent videos (although it does help to have experience). Shoot Mobile Video Vertically This goes against old-school best practice of shooting in landscape view. However, vertical videos look better on mobile devices. When shooting video on your phone, go vertical. This will produce the best results for people on their phones. Shoot mobile video vertically, rather than horizontally, for easier mobile viewing.Remember The Rule Of Thirds The idea behind the Rule Of Thirds is to split your frame into thirds along a 9x9 grid. This helps produce balanced shots that look visually appealing. Fit Your Subject In The Frame This is pretty basic. Show people above the waist. Don’t cut off heads or arms in the frame. Make sure people can see what’s happening clearly. Here's a quick example I just shot on my phone: The subject is positioned off-center (following the Rule of Thirds), with everything in the frame, and nothing cut out of the shot. Make The First Few Seconds Attention-Grabbing People scrolling through their news feed have short attention spans. Make your first few seconds count. According to Facebook, you've got about three seconds to hook your viewer into your video. Even then, only 65% will continue into the next ten seconds. In other words, leave out dramatic build-ups or introductions, and get right to the point. Creating #Facebook video? Skip dramatic build-ups and get right to the point.How Should I Promote My Facebook Videos? You’ve shot your video. Now, how do you get people to watch it? Start with these tips. Write Strong Post Copy Include videos in your posts, and write copy that entices views. Here are a few ways to do this: Write a post that asks a question, while implying the video has the answer. This can get people interested in watching the video. Hype up your video. Get people excited to watch. Write in a way that inspires curiosity. If you want to make sure that you're nailing your messages and encouraging fans to watch your video, try our Social Message Optimizer. To start, type in a draft of your post, hit the video button, and select Score My Message: Select Facebook and scroll down for an overview of what your message does well, and what could use some improvement: As you continue down the page, you'll see suggestions on how you can improve your message and boost your score: Scroll back up to the top of your page to edit and re-score your message: Recommended Reading: How to Write For Social Media to Create the Best Posts Embed Video From Facebook Elsewhere Did you know you can embed Facebook videos on web pages? It works similar to embedding video from YouTube. That means you can easily embed your Facebook videos in blog posts or static web pages. Simply click the arrow in the upper right corner of any video. Then, click Embed: Next, you’ll see an embed code: If you’d like to include the entire post (and not just the video), click the box. It's worth noting this method will embed your video in an iframe. These can potentially break RSS feeds. If you'd like to avoid this potential issue, click Embed Video. Then, click Advanced Settings to bring up the Embed Video Player Configurator. Next, click Get Code: Finally, follow the on-screen directions to copy and paste the Javascript code into the right places. If you're using WordPress, switch to Text view and paste the top code at the top of your page: The end result looks like this: Sound FX: Packers vs. ChiefsThe #Packers look pretty amped up for the preseason finale! #GBvsKC Posted by Green Bay Packers on Thursday, September 1, 2016 Done! TIP: Know someone who might be interested in your video? Send them the embed code too. They just might put it somewhere on their own site. Add A Featured Video To Your Facebook Page Have a video you really want people to see? Feature it on your page. Visit your Facebook page. Then, click Videos: Next, click Add Featured Video: You’ll then be able to choose from any of your uploaded videos: Your video will then display under the About section on your profile’s main page. Here’s an example of what this looks like: Use Facebook Featured Videos to enhance your brand page.Upload A Video As Your Cover Photo To Make Your Profile Pack A Punch Did you know you can make your cover image a video? Social Fire Media found that cover videos should include: A video that is 820x462 pixels wide. Video should be between 20 to 90 seconds in length. To upload a video as your cover photo go to your Facebook business page: Select Change Cover and Choose From Videos or Upload Video: Select the video you want to use as your cover photo: Click confirm, and your video should replace your cover photo. Consider Video Advertising Or Paying For Promotion Paying to promote your video, or turning your video into an ad, can help drive more reach and views. Just be sure to follow Facebook’s design guidelines for video ads. We also recommended reading Wordstream’s guide on using Facebook ads too. Recommended Reading: Facebook Marketing Strategy: Why You Need One ( How to Build It) How Can I Drive More Traffic From Facebook Video? Facebook recently removed call-to-action links from native videos. However, there are still ways to drive traffic back to your site with your video content. Let’s walk through a couple simple tips. Include Links In Your Post Copy You can still include a link in your post copy accompanying your video. This simple detail is easy to overlook. Tag Other Accounts Mentioned In Your Video If your video references other companies, personalities, or anyone with a Facebook page, consider tagging them. This will help your video get distribution in their fan’s news feeds too. How Can I Measure My Success? Facebook video marketing is a lot of work. It’s important to know if your efforts are paying off. Data and analytics can show if you’re meeting your goals. They can also inform your strategy, showing what’s working, and what needs improvement. Fortunately, Facebook offers robust analytics functionality with Facebook Insights. Visit your page, and click Insights: Then click Videos on the left: Here, you can see: Total minutes of video viewed. Number of video views. Change over time. You can also see detailed analytics for individual videos: Select the video that you want to see stats around, and you'll see a full breakdown of all of the analytics for your video: If you're looking for even more social media analysis check out 's Social Engagement Report: How Should I Set Facebook Video Marketing Goals? Follow the SMART goals framework: So, that’s how you set goals. Now, which metrics should you track? Here are some possible options: Engagement. Are people liking and sharing your videos? Are they leaving comments too? Views. How many people are watching your videos, and for how long? Traffic. Are your videos linking back to your blog or website? If so, how much traffic are they driving? Follower growth. If you’re paying for video ads, are those ads helping you reach a new audience and expanding your Facebook following? Revenue. If you’re running video ads that direct to an ecommerce page or signup form, how much money are you earning from those conversions? TIP: Don't skip measurement. If you want budget to shoot more video, you'll probably need to show your boss why it's worthwhile. Data can do that for you. How Can I Schedule And Publish My Facebook Videos? Great question. recently launched our new social video functionality. It’s now possible to schedule social media video posts for Facebook within our app. (You can also schedule videos on Twitter too, but that’s another topic for another time.)
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Cell Phones Essays - Radiobiology, Mobile Telecommunications
Cell Phones Essays - Radiobiology, Mobile Telecommunications Cell Phones What Causes Cell Phone Radiation and How Does it Effect Your Body? What is so popular with young teenagers today? Cell phones. Walking around on campus to walking around at the mall with your cell phone may seem fashionable and trendy, but did you now that it might be causing you to get a cancer? Ninety percent of cell phone holders do not realize it and it should be something everyone should be aware of. It may seem a bit unusually how a cell phone can cause a child or an adult to get cancer, but it is true. New evidence is growing fast about health risks from mobile phones electromagnetic radiation. These devices can be used to make telephone calls from almost anywhere. Symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, burning sensations on the skin were more common among those who make longer phone calls. At the same time there are a growing number of unconfirmed reports of individuals whose health has been affected after chronic, frequent use of mobile phones, presumably from radiation effects on cell. There are two types of phones, one has the antenna mounted on the handset and the other has the antenna mounted on a separate transmitter or, if the telephone is installed in a vehicle, mounted on the roof or rear window. Communication between a mobile telephone and the nearest base station is achieved by the microwave emissions from the antenna. Concerns have been raised about the type of mobile telephone that has the antenna in the handset. In this case, the antenna is very close to the user's head during normal use of the telephone and there is concern about the level of microwave emissions to which the brain is being exposed. Those telephones that have the antenna mounted elsewhere are of no concern, since exposure levels decrease rapidly with increasing distance from the antenna. Cordless telephones, which need to be operated within about 20 meters of a base unit that is connected directly to the telephone system do not have any health concerns associated with their use because exposure levels are very low. . Media reports have claimed that up to 70 percent of the microwave emissions from hand- held mobile telephones may be absorbed in the user's head. This is not supported by the evidence, but nevertheless leads to speculation that hot spots may be created in the user's brain, thereby raising concerns that the telephones may be a health risk. Other reports have indicated that mobile telephone users suffer localized headaches when they use their telephone. At this stage, it is difficult to evaluate the evidence supporting these reports, since they have not been published. This work on human subjects follows other phone studies in animals suggesting that radiation from mobiles may cause brain tumors, cancer, anxiety, memory loss and serious birth defects. An Australian study found that mice exposed to pulsed digital phone radiation over 18 months had twice the risk of developing cancers. An American study found that learning and short term memory were impaired after 45 minutes exposure to radiation from phones in rats. And other studies of electromagnetic radiation on pregnant mice suggest that high exposure can affect intra-uterine development, confirmed recently in chicks. The effects in humans are unknown. In Britain a 27 year old woman with a brain tumor is taking a mobile phone manufacturer to court who she blames for her tumor. A biologist, Roger Coghill has also been given permission to bring a case against a provider of mobile phone equipment for failing to warn people of radiation hazards. A wide variety of electrical devices contribute to electro smog, ranging from computers, to phones, TV sets, radar transmitter and transformers. However mobile phone radiation is certainly intense, as evidenced by the effects on aircraft navigation systems, or more obviously on a nearby conventional telephone or a music system The brain cancer reports originated in the USA where a number of lawsuits have been lodged against mobile telephone manufacturers and suppliers. These claims for damages allege that the microwave emissions from mobile telephones used by the claimants caused their brain cancers. Those few cases that have been tried have been dismissed for lack of supporting evidence.
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