Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Christianity A Of The Most Popular Religions That Has...
Christianity is one of the most popular religions that has been practiced. This all started about 2,000 years ago in Judea (present-day Israel) with Jesus Christ and his disciples. In the beginning Jesus was a Jew, he went from town to town healing and curing people and soon after these people because his disciples, and he began teaching his disciples about God’s good will and the â€Å"new covenant†God enforced upon Jesus to teach everyone. In the bible there is a verse that says, †For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.†The new covenant was when Jesus risked his own life and pay for the sins of all humanity, by being crucified on the Roman†¦show more content†¦In the Christian life they believe that there is only one God but, God is made up of three people, also known as a trinity. This trinity consist of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is believed that God is all powerful, he knows all and is present everywhere. God is the creator of everything that exist and he is infinite and eternal. Although he is a man who forgives everyone for their sins, Jesus was said to be sinless. Some of the many teaching are that Jesus is the only son of God and many prophecies believe that Jesus is coming again soon to revive the time of peace on the earth. The most important rituals are referred to as The Seven Sacraments. These being Baptism, where you are blessed and introduces to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit with Holy Water. Then it s the Confirmation which signifies the faith and commitment of a person and strengthens someone s relationship with God. Next is the Eucharist is introduced where you receive the â€Å"Lord’s blood and body.†Then its reconciliation where they find God’s unconditional forgiveness. Marriage which represents the loving union of husband and wife. Next is Holy orders or Ordination, where the priest proclaims the Gospel to lead everyone in the right direction. Lastly is anointing the sick which is a ritual of healing physical, mental and spiritual sickness. There are many Christian Holy days that are celebrated some of which are Lent which people give up a
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Nigerian Stock Market and Its Impact on the Economy
CHAPTER ONE OVERVIEW Nigeria, like many other African countries, was created from a multi-ethnic, socially and culturally diverse people, situated between the Equator and the tropic of cancer, its climate and vegetation can afford the growth of many tropical commodities such as cocoa, groundnuts, palm produce and rubber. Starting from a low technological base after political independence in 1960, the country embarked on the arduous task of building a state with one identity by integrating the different ethnicities and transforming the barter economy into financial exchange economy. The country provided infrastructure and social amenities for a very young population. Over the years, policies were pursued in order to achieve the goal of a†¦show more content†¦Fakiyesi, O.M. in his paper also said that the poor in Nigeria have limited access to savings and credit facilities, good roads, pipe borne water, innovative technology and low output markets. They are predominantly in subsistence agricult ure and in petty trading, utilising traditional input. This is why the role of the capital market as agent of growth and development is very important, thus this role has been subject of concern and has drawn comments from different fora. It is under this background this study was proposed, to further clarify the symbiotic relationship between the capital market and economic development. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Economic advancement and allocation of the aggregate investment in an economy for production of goods and services are too prominent factors in our national development. The importance of capital market can be ascertained from the increasing emphasis and recognition accorded to investment as veritable instruments of development by policy makers in Nigeria and the world over. Capital mobilisation and allocation are very essential if the regular features of poor infrastructural facilities (i.e. bad roads/poor road networks, lack of electricity, water, indecent accommodation, inadequate educational institutions, lack of health centres and poorShow MoreRelatedCurrent Issues On Capital Market Essay724 Words  | 3 PagesCURRENT ISSUES ON CAPITAL MARKET The Capital market all over the globe experienced crisis which started in United States of America in 2007 following the collapse of subprime mortgage. The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, which led to the collapse of the US capital market that later trickled to other part of the world with large organization asking for bailout and also economies requesting for same from other economies or regional unions. The Nigerian Capital market was not exempted inRead MoreImpact of Industrial Development on Nigeria Stock Market1457 Words  | 6 PagesImpact of Industrial development on Nigeria stock market. The potentials of capital market in Nigeria as a catalyst to economic and industrial development cannot be over emphasized. The capital market as an internal part of a country’s financial system operates at the long end of the system to mobilize resources for long term development and growth. Basically, the capital market accelerates growth by providing ,relatively long term capital - debt and equity finance – for government and corporateRead MoreEffects of Finanacial Crises on Nigerian Capital Market5207 Words  | 21 Pagesfinancial system, and the economy, at large. It spread quickly to the developed economies in Europe, including the United Kingdom, and Asia -with Japan becoming well affected. The emerging economies were not isolated. A transmission channel of the global financial crisis, which has been referred to as the â€Å"Globalised Synchronized Slowdown†is the stock market SERE-EJEMBI, (2008). Around the world stock market indicators started falli ng. The capital market, vis-à -vis the stock market, is a channel throughRead MoreThe Bank Expansion Strategy And Management1354 Words  | 6 Pagesa policy of deregulation in the Nigerian banking sector allowing Nigerian banks to operate foreign subsidiaries. The same year Beta became the first Nigerian bank to establish foreign retail banking subsidiary in the region to respond to the bank s customer’s needs in the ECOWAS region, particularly in WAEMU. Especially as it had been, the strategic goal and management vision of BETA to established foreign subsidiaries in various countries, to support Nigerian businesses abroad (BETA_g2 DecemberRead MoreMargin Loans and Its Impact on the Nigerian Capital Market (2004-2008)12831 Words  | 52 PagesTITLE PAGE THE IMPACT OF MARGIN LOANS ON THE NIGERIAN CAPITAL MARKET. (2004 - 2008) BY UWAKWEM, UGOCHUKWU MOSES REG. NO.: 05262016 A PROJECT SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF BANKING AND FINANCE, FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF ABUJA. IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc) DEGREE IN BANKING AND FINANCE. UNIVERSITY OF ABUJA. JANUARY, 2010. CERTIFICATION This project has been fully supervised, readRead MoreThe Relation Between Stock Market And Market Activities Development3018 Words  | 13 PagesBETWEEN STOCK MARKET AND MARKET ACTIVITIES DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA (1970 – 2014) BY OMENUGHA, NELSON – MAYOR â€Æ' CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction The aim of this chapter following the introduction in chapter one is to review the related literature of our subject matter. In this chapter, attempts will be made to review the theoretical and empirical issues. However, this chapter will be presented as follows. 2.2. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Clean Car Care Making a Job Offer - 1169 Words
Heneman, Judge, Kammeyer-Mueller (2012) describe a job offer as an attempt to persuade a creation of an employment relationship on the part of an organization. In the case of Clean Car Care (3Cs), Arlan Autospritz is experiencing a challenging decision. He is, for the first time, attempting to execute an external hire in a management position within the organization. He has narrowed down the search to two candidates, each attractive in their own distinct ways. In extending a job offer, Arlan has several tactics he can consider, various incentives beyond base salary, and terms he can include in trying to entice the best candidate. Type of Offer: Best-Shot, Competitive, or Lowball Arlan has two well-qualified candidates to†¦show more content†¦A lowball strategy involves extending an offer where the terms offered are on the lower range (Heneman, Judge, Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012). If a candidate is desperate or naive, this tactic can serve to secure a candidate at a lower outlay or affords a greater room to negotiate with a candidate (Heneman, Judge, Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012). Jane, the number one candidate, has a great deal of supervisory experience, is anticipating both a counteroffer and a promotion at her current employer, and needs to know the terms of the offer quickly based on these facts. While Jane is willing and eager to relocate and is easily within the current managers salary, the previous facts negate a lowball tactic in this case (Heneman, Judge, Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012). Competitive Arlan has a suitable alternative candidate in Betts Cook; that being said, if Jane is the top choice, Arlan is best moving forward with a competitive offer. Based on the quality of the second choice candidate, a best-shot offer is not necessarily needed. While it could serve to secure Jane’s acceptance quickly, Arlan is safe offering a fair offer to Jane and negotiating small details without making an over-the-top deal to begin with. Arlan is aware of the salaries offered within his industry as well as Jane’s current salary, so he is well prepared to negotiate a fair base salary (Monster, 2014). In offering a competitive salary, Arlan is less likely to offend Jane with a lowball offer andShow MoreRelatedMaking a Job Offer Essay860 Words  | 4 PagesMaking a Job Offer Klaudia Barsi ORG 522 – Managing Performance for Results Colorado State University - Global Campus Dr. Danielle J. Camacho April 20, 2013 1. Recommend whether Jane should receive a best shot, competitive or lowball offer? Why? Clean Car Care (3Cs) should make the best-shot offer to Jane. She is a high-quality finalist, and her current employer is a strong competitor regarding the benefits she receives. 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Essay on Breakfast as a Scholastic Tool - 1448 Words
Breakfast as a Scholastic Tool We have often been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Growing up, however, we have simply brushed that comment aside labeling it as yet another useless and false piece of information we receive throughout the course of our lives. This particular piece, however, may bear more significant than was ever thought before. Researchers now believe that breakfast indeed is the most important meal of the day, resulting in academic and psychosocial improvements that last a lifetime. While many may have trouble believing that a piece of toast in the morning can produce increased academic performance as well as a healthy mind, the fact is it has been proven to be true. It is for this†¦show more content†¦Goals 2000, for example, was a federal initiative to raise performance by increasing standards for the school. However, as we are almost at the end of the year 2000, these goals that were set have yet to be met. It is time to put our reliance in a program th at has been proven to work; a universal free breakfast program (Stedman, 2- 12). Through many studies, breakfast has been proven to increase academic performance. â€Å"Breakfast consumption has been linked to improved preformance in mathematics, continuous performance tasks and problem solving†(Hyndman, 5). A study conducted in Canada also reports â€Å" over 78% of teachers indicated that the program had a positive impact on the academic ability of their students†(Hyndman, 10). With these reported facts, it is obvious to see that involvement in a breakfast program would definitely yield results that could assist in solving the problem with academic achievement in our nation. The Maryland State Department of Education has already recognized this fact. Upon institution of a free pilot breakfast program, Maryland recognized that â€Å"over a two year period, schools that served breakfast in the classroom showed a twenty-two percent improvement in the Maryland School Performance Assessment Program, or MSPAP†(Maryland, 1). These results not only confirm the fact thatShow MoreRelatedAmerica s Policies That Specifically Deal With Social Disadvantage And Equality935 Words  | 4 PagesIt is important for schools to have written policies that specifically deal with social disadvantage and equality. Marginson (n.d, p.4) encourages leaders to create public policy that aspires to raise the general level of scholastic accomplishment over the entire level of learning achievement across all of society, but especially focusing on students who are socially disadvantaged due to belonging to low income families. 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The older girls assisted in preparing breakfast, which was provided in the school at a small weekly charge. They were also taught laundry work. The staff consisted of one schoolmaster, two teachers of spinning and knitting, and one teacher for shoemaking. (Hadow 1926:3-4) Monitoral Schools wereRead MoreStandardized Exams And The Test Scores2070 Words  | 9 Pagesstatistically proven to affect students scores. Therefore, a mere number from a standardized exam, be it the SAT or the ACT, can be useful, but is not a reliable factor in determining an applicant’s qualifications. Standardized exam scores is a convenient tool that allows admissions officers to compare a student’s academic ability with that of others. By comparing students’ scores, admissions officers are able to get a slight idea of who academically and intellectually â€Å"belongs†in their institution. NotRead MoreThe s Model Of Culture Care Theory2083 Words  | 9 Pagespreferences. 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There have bee n several studies looking into the effect of micronutrient deficiencies (generally in developing countries), and most micronutrientsRead MoreBitter Melon as as Coffee4496 Words  | 18 Pagesusing Hedonic Scale. The evaluators rated the samples from 1 – 9 where 1 corresponds to â€Å"dislike extremely†which means least accepted and 9 corresponds to â€Å"like extremely†which means the most accepted product as shown in Table 3. I. Statistical Tools for Data Analysis The data gathered were analyzed and interpreted to get the overall rating of the product. The weighted mean was employed to find the characteristics and acceptability of different samples of coffee from ampalaya seeds. Kruskal-WallisRead MorePropaganda by Edward L Bernays34079 Words  | 137 Pageshistory, by the simple process of doing what they wanted. And if nowadays the successors of the rulers, those whose position or ability gives them power, can no longer do what they want without the approval of the masses, they find in propaganda a tool which is increasingly powerful in gaining that approval. Therefore, propaganda is here to stay. It was, of course, the astounding success of propaganda during the war that opened the eyes of the intelligent few in all departments of life to the possibilitiesRead Morepreschool Essay46149 Words  | 185 Pagesto problem-solve, and the ability to represent ideas. Familiarity with art materials supports children’s creativity. Children with disabilities can also participate in the arts with enthusiasm and interest, with the use of adapted materials or tools as needed. Preschool children’s artistic efforts are often directed at producing physical or mental images through drawings, body movements, or pretend characters. This is called representation. The artistic representations of preschoolers tend
Brave New World of Digital Intimacy free essay sample
News feed, status updates, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, when one hears theses word one usually thinks about social media. What is social media though? Social media is forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos). Through the use of social media one can create an identity. However is one identity confused among the way? In Thompson, Clive article â€Å"Brave New World of Digital Intimacy†Thompson describes the relationship between one social media identity and one actual social identity. Thus because of the use of social media one’s identity can be confuse. In this present day, with my generation, Thompson explains, â€Å"[that social media] participation isn’t optional†¦ [that] if you don’t dive in†¦other people will define who you are†(Thompson 8). It is sad but true, I have seen it happen before. We will write a custom essay sample on Brave New World of Digital Intimacy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Once two girls (from my high school) where fighting in and out of social media. Thus girl A’ deletes her face book account. Girl B’ seeing this, thought it would be a great idea to create a new Facebook for girl A’. After adding all of girl A’s friends back girl B’ made girl A’ profile out to be something that girl A’ was not (to put it nicely). Soon afterwards everyone at school had a new â€Å"Identity†of girl A’ because of what girl B’ did. Long story short they are still fighting and the Facebook profile got deleted. The point being is everyone believe the new Facebook profile was girl A’ and because of what girl B’ did, girl A’ was being treated differently. Girl A’ was not like her â€Å"new†Facebook profile made her out to be. Thus the identity of girl A’ was confused. Though people can confuse your identity, one can also confuse their own identity. In some cases, one can create a fake identity. However Tufekci argue in Thompson article, â€Å"‘[that one cannot] play with [one] identity if your audience is always checking up on [him/her]’†(Thompson 9). Tufekci is right to a point, but what if they haven’t always been an audience of one? I was in middle school and just moved to New London, New Hampshire. No one knew who I was. As I started to make aquatints they started to ask me if they could add me on Myspace. Not knowing what Myspace was, quickly research, and created one so that I could start to make friends. Since I was new I wanted to be liked and to be popular. I mean, what new kid wouldn’t. In New Hampshire everyone skate and snowboard. Even though I had never touched a skate board or snowboard, I created my Myspace to look like I had and that I was quite good at it too. It work, everyone that added me on Myspace believed that I could skate and snowboard (till I had to actually prove it). The point being is that I confuse my own identity and everyone else identity of me. It is not always like that however. Now I am not saying that because we use social media that our identity instantly confuse, quite the opposite. Plenty of people are who their social media identity is. However just be careful of oneself own perception of someone on social media. Many people own perception of me was wrong. After someone looked at my Facebook profile back in high school they would get the perception that I was a stoner, surfing, gym addict, and a freak. For the most part they were right except for the fact that I was a stoner. I have never touched weed in my life. Yet because of my Facebook profile picture was of me with stoner/surfer long hair, rostra color shirt, and that I like Bob Marley people instantly thought I was a stoner. Even now I can’t escape someone perception of me being a stoner. I go to work for the United States Marine Corps and when I have to show my driver license for some reason, usually to a Sergeant, they will start laughing and say â€Å"you were a stoner before the Corps, weren’t you†. My friends, who actually know who I am, would know that I would never smoke weed. Now because of their own perception of me on social media (and my driver’s license) my identity is confused. All in all why does it matter? Identity should not be affected by this â€Å"Brave New World of Digital Intimacy†. The fact however, it is changing the way we are being identify. One cannot apply for a job in these times without the employer looking at one social media. Therefore because of our identities are being switch from social interactions to social media oneneeds to be careful one’s identity is not confuse. If one does not dive in other people will define who one is. Also just because one create a false identity of oneself does not mean people will not find out who one really is. In addition one perception of someone on social media can also confuse their actual identity. Thus because of the use of social media one’s identity can be confuse.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Research in Sustainable Supply Chain Management - MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Research in Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Answer: Introduction: Service offerings define the set of service commitment, which refers to the service offerings level of service in terms of price, availability and scope. Service offerings are derived from the business services, which are customized towards the specific needs of the customers (Sakao, Rnnbck and Sandstrm 2013). While considering the constituents of service offerings of Lufthansa, it can be said that the organization provides all young flights for the safety of the customers. The customers can avail most secure, reliable and highly designed carrier al lowest cost. Furthermore, the organization has also redesigned the economic class of their fleet for provide more convenient seating arrangement to the customers. The attentive care of the cabin crew of Lufthansa is also highly demanding, which makes the service offerings of the organization much more attractive to the customers (Lufthansa.com 2017). Apart from that, the tailored line and support from the experienced technicians also prov ides reliable and comfortable flight journey to the customers. According to Rapaccini (2015), tangible aspect of service indicates the physical products, which the customers can touch and feel before purchasing them. On the other hand, Chou, Chen and Conley (2015) opined that intangible services indicate the service offerings, which the customers cannot touch, but feel before, during and after opting for them. In case of Lufthansa, the organization provides delicious foods and drinks to the customers within the flights during their journey. The seats and cushions of the flight are also highly comfortable to the customers, which are tangible in nature. Furthermore, the newspapers, magazines and storybooks provided to the customers are also tangible in nature. On the other hand, while considering the intangible service offerings of Lufthansa, there are wide varieties of intangible service, which attracts the customers. The young and highly designed fleets are quite impressive to the customers. On the other hand, the attentive care of the talented cabin crew also attract the customers towards repeatedly opting for the service of Lufthansa (Kindstrm and Kowalkowski 2014). Furthermore, attractively designed and comfortable seats of the flights also form the part of intangible aspect of Lufthansa. The main aspect, which distinguishes the service from the physical products, is the physical existence. According to Gummesson (2014), physical products have their real and physical existence, whereas, services do have any physical existence. Moreover, customers can touch and feel the physical products, but they cannot touch the services. While considering the physical products of Lufthansa, it can be seen that the customers can touch the foods and beverages provided to them. However, the customers cannot tough the interior design of the flights or attentive care of the cabin crew, but they can enjoy the service. On the other hand, Kauppinen-Risnen and Grnroos (2015) opined that physical products like foods and cushions and seats can be depreciated, but the services like attentive care of cabin crew cannot be depreciated. Furthermore, the physical products can be liquidated easily, but the service cannot be liquidated easily. Business people always want relaxing journey during their traveling on air. According to Sakao, Rnnbck and Sandstrm (2013), business travelers want convenient and relaxing arrangement of the fleets. Therefore, they always consider convenience criteria before choosing an airline for their business travel. However, Kindstrm and Kowalkowski (2014) opined that business people also provide extreme significance to the economic value of their travelling. Moreover, for business travelers, every business activity must be within the budget of business process. Business travel is also within the activities of business processes. Therefore, the customers always consider price criteria before choosing any aircraft for their business travel. Moreover, the customers mostly want to choose low cost carrier for the purpose of their business travel. Furthermore, Gummesson (2014) opined that the business people often require to be connected with their business clients over the phone even within the flig hts. In such situation, the customers want high performing Wi-Fi within the flights during their business travel. Furthermore, the customers also consider the quality of service and airline safety for enjoying their business travel. While taking into account the relative intangibility of airline services, the airline customers would first consider convenience of the service. Moreover, the customers would consider the quality of service, time schedule and availability of routes of the aircrafts. On other hand, Rapaccini (2015) stated that the customers would also consider the level of care provided by the cabin crew within flights for having relaxing air journey. Apart from that, the decoration within the flights also provides a feeling of sophistication to the customers. Highly attractive inner design of flights always attracts the customers in choosing a particular air carrier. Furthermore, the customers always expect highly relaxing journey on their air journey. Therefore, the customers always consider the amusement services with the flights before choosing any air carrier. Marketing of physical products is aligned with promoting and selling a specific product in a specific market. On the other hand, service marketing refers to the marketing of economic activities of a particular service for adequate consideration (Gummesson 2014). The marketing strategies of physical products can be formed through 4Ps of marketing like product, price, place and promotion. On the other hand, marketing strategies of service must be formed with 7 Ps like product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence. The marketing of physical products is always dependent on value of the products. However, the marketing of service is always dependent on both the value of service as well as the relationship of the customers with the service providers. Service providers should adopt 7 Ps marketing strategies for promoting its services in the market. Moreover, the service providers should provide unique service offerings to the customers for creating unique customer value. Furthermore, the service providers should always assess the affordability of the customers to which they provide their service offerings. While considering the case of Lufthansa, it offers unique aircraft service with affordable price for creating competitive advantage in the market (Rapaccini 2015). Moreover, the service providers should select most effective promotional tools for conveying the important service offerings to wide customer groups. Lufthansa uses both digital and social media marketing for promoting its service offerings. Furthermore, the service providers should also crucially select place for easy availability of the services to the customers. The service providers should hire talented staffs and process for providing services to the customers ef fectively. The attentive care of the cabin crew of Lufthansa create a unique competitive advantage for the organization (Kindstrm and Kowalkowski 2014). On the hand, the physical evidence of the service provider should also be attractive to the customers for leading high level of competitive advantage. Case of Dell Corporation One of the most important factors of competitive advantage of Dell is its supply chain management. Dell uses build-to-order-strategy for its inventory management, where every single PC of the organization is associated with every single end user. Moreover, the organization starts for manufacture a PC only after getting an order placed by an end user. In such custom made system, the customers can incorporate their own preferences on their PCs after requesting to the technicians. In this way, such custom made system adds value the customers and assists in gaining competitive advantage over the rivals. Dell operates its supply chain based on non-store based distribution channels. Dell uses direct model in its distribution channels, where Dell model sells its PCs to its customers directly without using retail channels (Dell.com 2017). Moreover, Brandenburg et al. (2014) opined that Dell uses unique supply chain strategy namely build-to-order-strategy. As per this strategy, Dells start to manufacture PCs only after an order placed from a customer. The organization sends the configuration details of the PCs to the manufacturing floor, only after getting the order placed by the customers. After all these, the final assembly of the PC is started. Such supply and distribution channel is extremely important to the customers, as they can get quick response to their demand change. Moreover, every single PC of Dell is associated every single name of customers. In this way, they technicians can easily identify the name and details of the initial requirements of the PCs after a request of chan ging demands in the PCs (Pagell and Shevchenko 2014). It can help the organization towards providing unique value to the customers through customizing and fulfilling their required demands. In store based distribution channels, the inventory stores are wide and the manufactured products are stored until those are sold to the customers. Therefore, in store based distribution channels, organizations have to bear huge expenses in terms of huge inventory cost. On the other hand, in non-store based distribution channels, the products are manufactured only after getting an order placed by the customers (Seuring 2013). Therefore, in non-store based distribution channel, organizations need not to bear huge amount of inventory cost. In this way, non-store based distribution channel reduces overall organizational cost. The sales, manufacturing and distribution model of Dell provides maximum possible number of variables under its control. Moreover, the model controls the inventory operation having huge control on it by reducing overall inventory cost. Apart from that, the direct manufacturing and sales option has built direct interaction with the customers, which has ultimately enhanced the satisfaction level of the customers (Beske and Seuring 2014). The constant flow of communication with the customers meets their customized needs, which has built high level of competitive advantage for Dell. Moreover, Dell has been in a position to grow during the recent economic downturn. In sales, manufacturing and distribution model of Dell, the organization may not have ready supply of inventory to sell. It eliminates the chance for the customers to go to the store and buy stored products in the inventory (Brandenburg et al. 2014). Therefore, it decreases the overall profitability of the organization. The build-to-order strategy takes longer hours for fulfilling the customers orders. Therefore, it increases the waiting time of the customers. The direct sales strategy can provide sustained competitive advantage to Dell through direct communication with the customers. Moreover, the organization can also incorporate customized value to their PCs through direct communication with the customers. Such unique and customized value can add to the sustained competitive edge of Dell. On the other hand, build-to-order strategy reduces overall organizational cost of Dell for which it can offer low price for their PCs for gaining competitive advantage an increasingly competitive and mature market place (Pagell and Shevchenko 2014). The Dell model can also get sustained competitive advantage through product diversification on computer printers, handheld computers and MP3 players. Direct selling strategy can provide the opportunity of direct communication with the customers. However, it often limits the sales volume and profitability of the organization having limited sales to direct customers. Therefore, the organization should adopt retail channels for enhancing its value delivery network. It will enhance the product accessibility of the Dell, which will actually enhance the sales and profit volume of (Dell Beske and Seuring 2014). Reference List Beske, P. and Seuring, S., 2014. Putting sustainability into supply chain management.Supply Chain Management: an international journal,19(3), pp.322-331. Brandenburg, M., Govindan, K., Sarkis, J. and Seuring, S., 2014. Quantitative models for sustainable supply chain management: Developments and directions.European Journal of Operational Research,233(2), pp.299-312. Chou, C.J., Chen, C.W. and Conley, C., 2015. Creating Sustainable Value Through Service Offerings.Research-Technology Management,58(2), pp.48-55. Dell.com, D. 2017.Supply Chain. [online] Dell.com. 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