Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Accounting aspects of Southwestern Airlines Essay
Bookkeeping parts of Southwestern Airlines - Essay Example In 1966 Kelleher was specializing in legal matters in San Antonio when a client named Rollin King wanted for beginning a short-pull carrier like California-based Pacific Southwest Airlines.The aircraft would fly the Brilliant Triangle of Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio and by remaining inside Texas, keep away from government guidelines. Kelleher and King shaped an organization, raised starting capital, and petitioned for administrative endorsement from the Texas Aeronautics Commission. Deplorably, the different Texas-based aircrafts, to be specific Braniff, Continental, and Trans Texas, restricted the thought and pursued a fight to keep Southwest from flying. Kelleher contended the organization's case under the steady gaze of the Texas Supreme Court, which managed in support of Southwest. The US Supreme Court would not hear an intrigue recorded by different carriers. In the late 1970s, it looked as though the organization could start flying.''Southwest then started fabricating a sup ervisory group, and the acquisition of three overflow Boeing 737s was arranged. Meanwhile, Braniff and Texas International proceeded with their endeavors to put off Southwest from flying. The guarantors of Southwest's underlying open stock contribution pulled back, and a controlling request against the organization was gotten two days before its planned debut flight. Kelleher again contended his organization's case under the watchful eye of the Texas Supreme Court, which managed in support of Southwest a subsequent time, lifting the controlling request. Southwest Airlines started flying the following day, June 18, 1971' (Freiberg and Freiberg, 1996). Southwest Airlines: An Introduction Southwest Airlines has consistently been flourishing as far as profitability, great representative and association relations, and consumer loyalty when most aircraft bearers are blockaded in every one of these zones. Vital to the organization's trademarks is its way of life of adaptability and family-direction. Herb Kelleher summarized the Southwest culture and duty to workers: 'We don't utilize things like TQM. It is only many individuals investing heavily in what they're doing. You need to perceive that individuals are significant. How you treat them decides how they treat individuals outwardly.. I give individuals the permit to act naturally and propel others in that manner. We offer individuals the chance to be a free thinker. You don't need to fit in an obliging mold at work-you can make some great memories. Individuals react to that' (Lancaster, 1999). In spite of the way that 90% of Southwest representatives are unionized, work relations have been shockingly positive, particularly by industry measures. There are no official structures for work or association cooperation in the executives organization; all things considered the organization drove by top administrators who energetically search out and react to representative perspectives has started to lead the pack on creating and keeping up this culture. 'One critical base of the organization's accomplishment in a somewhat precarious industry is the way that the associations are not engaged with pushing their jobs past the preservationist aggregate haggling and complaint capacities they perform. In such manner, Southwest contrasts from some other eminent instances of Human Resource-based and client situated examples of overcoming adversity's (Kochan, 1999). Southwest Airlines: Its Accounting Aspects The September 11 episode drives the carrier business into monetary strife, bringing about joblessness, indebtedness, and the possibility of delicate possibilities. Not long after the September 11, most significant carriers reported sharp assistance decreases, grounded airplane, and laying-off of workers. However 'during the principal decade of deregulation, in excess of 150 transporters, a considerable lot of them fire up aircrafts, crumbled into bankruptcy. Eight of the 11 significant aircrafts commanding the business in 1978 wound up seeking financial protection, converging with different transporters, or simply vanishing from the radar screen. All together, the business brought in enough cash during this period to purchase two Boeing 747s.' (Dempsey, 1984).
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Human Computer Interaction Evaluation of Websites
Question: Compose a report about the assessment of data innovation in regard to the targets and adequacy, highlights and openness of the sites alongside the ease of use standards in setting to Human Computer Interaction. Answer: Presentation: The accompanying report presents the differential assessment of two assigned sites 1: and 2: view of various parts of data framework in setting to various components like UI plan of the site, its openness, landing page pretest, web illustrations, utilization of hues and so forth. The target of introducing the basic assessment of the two sites is whether the sites filling the need, exactness, inclusion of the particular items and other comparative components. Conversation: The named sites, Binglee and Kogan both are electronic stores situated in Australia serves online business administration. The associations are generally into the exchanging of electronic apparatuses of various assortment as an internet shopping choice. For this reason both the associations have their own set and plan of sites which assists with pulling in clients and simpler approach to discover the items according to their prerequisite (Brown Gilchrist, 2016). Site of Binglee presents various tabs for its items as per the assortment of the electronic machines like PCs, cameras, home apparatuses, little or medium size machines, wellness/wellbeing and so forth. Just underneath these tabs it presents an advancing tab which reflects various proposals to draw in purchasers like items offering on limits, tie in courses of action of items or some other limited time special to take the customers consideration. The site likewise presents alternative for lists, store area (for customers on the off chance that they need to pick the items genuinely), other little or normal limited time offers followed by drifting or new propelled items alongside the choices for enrollment and sign in offices so the subtleties and data of the clients can be kept up in records (Cook, et al. 2015). Then again, site of Kogan presents its site for the items as indicated by the division, which further isolates the machines in various assortment, as per brand of the apparatuses. The site further follows a little tab introducing the limited time special as far as deals and rebate alternatives. The site also gives various tabs to the diverse class of machines like LED TVs, Cellular telephones, home apparatuses as far as both brand and sorts of machines. For any business sites there are sure significant and indispensable highlights that each venture needs to keep up so as to work its online business effectively (Hashim, 2015). Henceforth, the assessment with respect to the key highlights for both the business sites, Binglee and Kogan are referenced beneath: Sensible Roadmap: It is essential to introduce and keep up this component for any business sites since it presents the value for the clients separated from making it alluring and satisfying (Le Bourgeois, et al 2016). With the end goal of search positions in Google, it requires and considers the substance and structure of the site thus it is an indispensable component. In the event of the structure of the site is as indicated by the sorts of machines and advancements alongside other applicable data for the clients. While the site of presents the structure as indicated by the branch of apparatuses and as per brand followed by special offers. Business Information: Second significant component is including the business data of the associations like store areas in type of bearings and maps, contact subtleties, help focus, corporate administrative center area and so on. In the designated site, the data of its store area is notice alongside the heading and maps (Lee, Thomas Baskerville, 2015). While in the site of distinctive data for contact is available alongside the administrative center area. Clear Navigation: This component is identified with the area bearings and maps gave in the site. It implies that the guide is futile on the off chance that it doesn't give a route office to the clients (Lioukas, Reuer Zollo, 2016). This office is available in both the sites designated for the introduction of the report. Security: Security, one of the most essential highlights any site must have. It is significant for a business sites to protect its site with the applicable security authentication as far as Visa subtleties of clients like charge card numbers, encryption subtleties and so forth. In both the designated site security regarding on the web installment subtleties and encryption is kept up (Melin-Gonzlez Bulchand-Gidumal, 2016). Web based life Promotion: so as to maintain an online business effectively, a significant key is the special action of the site (Schwalbe, 2015). Nowadays there are part of social Medias has appeared, as facebook, twitter, linkedin, pinterst, youtube and so forth. It is the obligation of the business organizer to pick and execute on these informal communication destinations to elevate their business sites to pull in the same number of clients. Versatile Versions: In the current time, it is critical to any application or site promptly accessible on cell phones or other imparting portable apparatus. The majority of the clients utilize advanced cells, tablets henceforth it is essential to have the site worked from these contraptions. In this setting both the associations have kept up this highlights and the office is promptly accessible as portable adaptations (Rivard Aubert, 2015). Great Hosting: It is significant for an association to be a decent host if there should arise an occurrence of online business administrator. It explains that the sites are required to be refreshed and kept up at a normal span. There ought to be hundred percent specialized help on the site to the clients just as there should be relative connection accommodated the better help and dependability of the results of the organizations (Xiang, Magnini, Fesenmaier, 2015). If there should be an occurrence of assigned site Binglee, is by all accounts keeping up their site and giving great specialized help with terms of the relative data and subtleties of a few prerequisites. While Kogan association has likewise appeared to keep up its site in reliable to specialized help and different necessities. In addition, aside from the previously mentioned highlights, a business site needs to eye snappy and appealing in wording to give a decent impression particularly to the first run through clients. Utilization of hues, structures, encryption of information, isolation of item types and so forth ought to be in appropriate substance with the goal that the site becomes easy to use (Cook, et al. 2015). If there should be an occurrence of selected site the landing page appears o be very alluring as the hues and structures utilized in the site are more splendid and eye appealing. The goliath tab reflecting distinctive limited time offers has been structured in various hues and designsto make it increasingly gaudy and appealing. One area of the tab is planned in the red hues and inflatables to streak the deal season for the clients while the other tab is structured in blue and white brilliant shading blend to advance the connection course of action of items. The tab has been planned so that any client will get pulled in and experiences the data and subtleties regardless of whether the client was not proposed to. Different tabs of the site reflecting various kinds of apparatuses and devices are planned in light blue shading which is again very alluring as its a splendid shading and more eye infectious (Xiang, Magnini, Fesenmaier, 2015). Clearly, in the event of the second named site the plan and shades of landing page is exceptionally basic contrasted with the main assigned site. In this site, the architect has utilized pastel hues for the tabs blazing division of items and brand names while the encoded names in straightforward dark shading, which appears to be minimal less appealing. The site further gives various tabs of its items according to the division types and brand types blazing the image and names of the items. In contrast with the primary site it doesn't mirror the page appealing rather it looks entirely dull as the hues utilized in the photos additionally are not more splendid hues. Henceforth, regardless of whether the organization privides items in more straightforward and easy to understand way, it may need pulling in new or proposed customers (Brown Gilchrist, 2016). Further, on continuing to the specific items on every one of the assigned site, it appears that Binglee is as yet one-stride ahead. On licking the specific item on it flashes that specific item in a greater picture alongside the important data and subtleties. Though if there should arise an occurrence of it reflects various choices and assortments of that specific item with a littler, picture and subtleties. We can say that the association is giving definite data and assortment of items yet it is a serious longer procedure for clients perspective. In the current conditions, clients are additional efficient searcher as opposed to some other factor subsequently it isn't drawing in clients to click and decide for a specific item more than once (Brown Gilchrist, 2016). It can likewise be expressed that the site of Binglee organization is progressively compact and organized contrasted with Kogan organization. HCI Design Principles: HCI alludes to the discoveries of human PC association and direction on its use so as to make and plan a site. In the investigation of Information System, there are sure standards managing human PC connection on its use and utility (Cook, et al. 2015). Subsequently, both the selected sites, Binglee and Kogan are required to keep up and consent the standards laid as far as HCI in data innovation framework. Learnability Principle: Any association choosing on the web business needs to conform to the learnability p
Turture Case Essay Example for Free
Turture Case Essay This world is brimming with wrongdoings and war. There isn’t one nation out there that doesn’t have a type of confliction with different nations. Is it ordinary? Is it alright to carry out all these atrocities? Truly there isn’t any sensible response for that. A few people contend distinctively about the circumstance on atrocities. The writer of â€Å"Thinking about Torture†, likewise film pundit for National Review, and writer of numerous different books; Ross Douthat discusses his opinion of war violations, which he accepts they are not right however the atrocities could be defended. In the other hand the creator of â€Å"Committing War Crimes for the ‘Right Reasons’†, Glenn Greenwald who was additionally a protected law and social liberties legal counselor has his own assessment. He accepts atrocities are not satisfactory in any capacity whatsoever. Here and there it’s hard to choose what side is right. The inquiry here is, is torment alright? In â€Å"Thinking about Torture†, Douthat composes â€Å"It doesn’t pardon what was finished by our administration, and in our name, in jails, in confinements, cells around the globe. In any case, any individual who felt the manner in which I felt after 9/11 needs to deal with the way that what was done in our name was, in some sense, accomplished for us.†This delineates Douthat has to some degree blended emotions about torment. He feels that there is no reason for the utilization of torment and what the legislature has done. Yet, the manner in which he felt after the assault of 9/11 what the administration did was accomplished for us to feel some type of equity. In â€Å"Committing War Crimes for the ‘Right Reasons†’, Greenwald clarifies when he states â€Å"but we don’t acknowledge that advocating thinking when offered by other. Truth be told the individuals who look for simply to clarify â⠂¬ not to mention legitimized the †the oppression, radicalism and additionally viciousness of Castro, or Chavez, or Hamas, or Slobodan Milosevic or Islamic fanatics are promptly sentenced for trying to guard the weak, or conjuring â€Å"root causes†to legitimize the baseless, or offering moderating reason for unadulterated evil.†With this he is stating that numerous individuals will consistently locate a guard to legitimize the utilization of torment, yet in all actuality there is no support for a demonstration of malignance. Douthat discovers legitimizations to the torments that could sensible to a few while Greenwald finds no defense and accepts the reasons are poor. Despite the fact that Douthat and Greenwald may have various perspectives they likewise have a few similitudes. The two of them concur somehow or another that it isn't right. Douthat states in section 9, â€Å"here I am increasingly open to stating clearly this ought to never have been permitted †that it should be viewed as impermissible just as unethical, and that it ought to include disfavor for those dependable, the Cheneys and Rumsfelds just as the individuals who really actualized the methods that the Vice President’s office advanced and the Secretary of Defense closed down on.†Douthat is expressing that the torment ou ght to have not occurred at all in any case and is unforgiveable. The individuals behind the entirety of this ought to be embarrassed about their activities. Greenwald states in passage 12, â€Å"What decides if a political pioneer is acceptable or malicious isn’t their nationality. It’s their lead. What's more, pioneers, who abuse the laws of war and carry out atrocities, by definition, aren’t great, regardless of whether they are American.†Greenwald is basically and obviously is expressing that it doesn’t matter what nationality a pioneer is from to decide if they are fortunate or unfortunate pioneers, however what decides whether they are positive or negative pioneers are by their activities. The two of them concur that a pioneer ought to be capable with what activities they pick. Furthermore, if a pioneer picks an undesirable activity they ought to be embarrassed and thought about awful pioneers. As individuals may have their own perspectives and suppositions like Douthat and Greenwald one finding a defense for torment and the other finding no reason for it. Everybody will consistently have their own view, sentiment, and answer, yet toward the end the genuine answer will never be known. For instance Douthat could persuade with the avocations he finds yet Greenwald will likewise persuade some on how there is no defense. The right choice ought to consistently be picked to evade this contentions a few people will contend. Yet, how can someone really what the â€Å"correct†decision is? With individuals like Douthat and Greenwald contending their sides it’s hard to pick the right one.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Alice Walker and The Color Purple Essay Example
Alice Walker and The Color Purple Essay The book â€Å"The Color Purple†is an account of how two sisters albeit living totally various lives in way various pieces of the world kept a solid relationship. This story was composed by Alice Walker. One of the sisters is named Celie and the principal half of the book or so is letters with whats occurring in her life where she is keeping in touch with God. The other portion of the book her and her sister Nettie are composing letters to one another attempting to keep a solid relationship with one another. In spite of the fact that there lives occupied they attempt to keep as solid a relationship as could be expected under the circumstances. The main portion of the book or so where Celie is keeping in touch with God she fundamentally is simply yelling to him and saying what it truly intends to be a youthful dark lady in her time. Which included futile marriage,being beaten, being dealt with unreasonably, and for her situation being as imbecilic as a sack of rocks. She wasnt exceptionally instructed, she had an absence of keeping data in once caught wind of it. Her sister Nettie then again was truly brilliant and a had an all around established instruction. There mother had died and they were living with what they thought was there dad for a considerable length of time. One day however a no name mister went to the house looking for a spouse and despite the fact that Celie wasnt keen nor beautiful she had what it took to be a housewife and that is actually what Mr.___ was looking for. So Mr.___ took Celie as his significant other and she left with him that day and went to live with him, this is when Nettie and her lost con tact for some time. This was simply because Mr.___ was keeping Nettie’s letters from Celie, Nettie wound up being an evangelist with her better half in Africa and continually wrote to Celie. Celie’s spouse Mr.___ would beat her on the off chance that she fouled up and consistently mentioned to her what was directly in his psyche, He was all the more an authority than a husband. He had youngsters and they were a wreck, it was currently Nettie’s employment to upkeep the kids and prepare them for school in the first part of the day. It was additionally her business to cook We will compose a custom exposition test on Alice Walker and The Color Purple explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Alice Walker and The Color Purple explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Alice Walker and The Color Purple explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer
International Affairs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Global Affairs - Essay Example She moved on from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minn., with degrees in mass correspondence and French and with fantasies about being a universal reporter. She said that her objective as Miss North Dakota was to urge individuals to acknowledge social contrasts. At the point when she got her Miss North Dakota title, Ms Saberi said that her point was to urge others to acknowledge social contrasts - a desire that in the end drove her into a profession in news coverage. TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran indicted an American writer of spying for the United States and condemned her to eight years in jail, her legal advisor said Saturday, confusing the Obama organizations endeavors to break a 30-year-old political halt with Tehran. The White House said President Barack Obama was profoundly disillusioned by the conviction, while the writers father told a radio broadcast his little girl was fooled into offering implicating expressions by authorities who revealed to her they would free her in the event that she did. Roxana Saberi, a 31-year-old double American-Iranian resident, was captured in late January and at first blamed for working without press certifications. Be that as it may, prior this month, an Iranian adjudicator leveled an undeniably progressively genuine claim, accusing her of spying for the United States. The Fargo, North Dakota local had been living in Iran for a long time and had functioned as an independent journalist for a few news associations including National Public Radio and the British Broadcasting Corp. The writers Iranian-conceived father, Reza Saberi, disclosed to NPR that his girl was sentenced Wednesday, two days after she showed up under the steady gaze of an Iranian court in a bizarrely quick one-day shut entryway preliminary. The court held up until Saturday to declare its choice to the legal advisors, he said. Saberis father is in Iran however was not permitted into the court to see his little girl, who he portrayed as very discouraged. He said she denied the implicating
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
The Social and Cultural importance of the University - 1650 Words
The Social and Cultural importance of the University (Research Paper Sample) Content: The Social and Cultural Importance of the University NameInstitutionAnnotated BibliographyAsquith Joann, Bristow Dennis, Schneider Kenneth, Aesanehna Havandi, and Amyx Douglas. (Spring 2011). Cultural Diversity As An Element Of The University Campus Environment: Does It Matter To Today's Students? Marketing Management Journal, 21(1): 214-221.In this paper, the authors discuss the different elements of the cultural diversity in the university environment. They pinpoint how the different values of culture affects the relationship and integration of students and tutors, and the general views of student pertaining to such en environment. This paper presents a good source material for my research as it helps in the discussion of the American culture is distinct from others in the world. Morrow Ann Jennifer and Ackermann E . Margot. (2011). Intention To Persist And Retention Of First-Year Students: The Importance Of Motivation And Sense Of Belonging. College Student Journa l, 483-491.The authors have focused on a study in which they wanted to determine the factors that are necessary for student retention in institution of higher learning. Their results found out that the feeling of belonging plays a major role in retaining students in schools. Students like to associate with the culture of the institutions in which they study.Mukminin Amirul, and McMahon J. Brenda. (2013). International Graduate Students Cross-Cultural Academic Engagement: Stories of Indonesian Doctoral Students on an American Campus. The Qualitative Report 2013, 18(69): 1-19.The authors stress that international students in the U.S University find it difficult to interact and integrate with citizen students due to cultural differences. They go further to assert that through cultural integration, foreign students get to identify with other students of different cultural backgrounds, fostering cohesion, and relationship development.Oosterveld, V., Merali, I., Project Muse. (2001). Giv ing meaning to economic, social, and cultural rights. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.In this book, the authors have elaborated what culture means to a society and its contribution to the social and economic development. The author affirms that education play a vital role in spearheading cultural changes in the society, through the integration and interaction of students. This book acts a source of good information necessary for the development of my research on how culture changes in transforming societal changes.Ravlin C. Elizabeth, Ward Anna-Katherine and Thomas C. David. (2014). Exchanging Social Information Across Cultural Boundaries. Journal of Management, 40(5), 14371465.The authors discuss how cultural distance is a major barrier to social interaction. They claim that when international students are in a foreign country for studies, they seek ways to learn the regions cultures in order to feel accustomed to the place. This way, they become easy in relating and interacting with other people from different cultures thus fostering harmony in the society.Razek...
Monday, June 1, 2020
Beowulf Is An Anglo-Saxon Poem - Free Essay Example
Throughout time man has been considered the stronger sex; the hunter, the provider, the protector. But, history shows evidence of the fragility of the male ego, and its weaker foundations when in comparison to the feminine. Gender roles have been established on the underpinnings of natural law, decreed by God or nature, and are believed to be beyond the reach of change. Though we see the social roles and status of the sexes changing in recent times, the gender system remains almost impervious to change. Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon poem about a warrior-hero, kings, and beasts. It is essentially about men within a masculine world indicated by the obscure roles given to women within the poem; from Hrothgars unnamed sister to Grendels mother, identified only through her son. Beowulf performs great feats using his incredible strength. He puts himself at risk for others to prove his worth among men. To understand its construction, masculinity must first be broken down to its foundation. So, what is masculinity? The closest answer would be the set of behaviors, language, and practices that are typically associated with males. Male behaviors have been proven not to be genetically inherited, that is, there is no biological predisposition. Behavioral studies have proven that masculinity is a learned social construct. The concept is also inherently relational. Masculinity does not exist except in contrast with femininity. A culture which does not treat women and men as bearers of polarized character types, at least in principle, does not have a concept of masculinity in the sense of modern European/American culture (Connell, 2001). Gender norms are dictated by the culture in which they exist, so different cultures have different expectations regarding gender and the different ways in which gender has coercive force. In our modern culture, it is a recognized and sanctioned position, a dominant ideological position, for the masculine to be associated with the terse. Hyper masculine heroes tend to be very quiet in our dominant culture. Think of the heroes like Clint Eastwood, Robocop, or Rambo. For Anglo-Saxon culture, on the other hand, the ability to wield words was a measure of masculine virtue. So, think about for instance when Hrothgar is an early leader of the Danes and he builds that great Hall of Herot. The poet says of Hrothgar: Who wide-reaching word-sway wielded mong earlmen. (Beowulf, 26). Hrothgars words have power in three ways. They for 1. Give commands, for example to build Herot. 2. They vow to give treasure to those underneath him, a torque and ring-giver. And 3. They name, as they named Herot itself. Masculinity, in this text, is about power over others. Its about power over self. Its about power over the world, as dictated through language. That means that linguistic capacity, which modern dominant cultures suggests is gendered feminine today, was gendered masculine for the Anglo Saxons. For example, when Beowulf is being interrogated at Herot to see if hes good enough he must tell stories to prove his prowess with his words. The man started to recite with skill, rehearsing Beowulfs Triumphs and feats in well-fashioned lines, Entwining his words (Beowulf, 870). Culture is based upon this idea of men being terse in fact there are some aspects of our present culture where linguistic capacity and masculinity are alive Im thinking in particular of for instance rap and hip hop performance poetry there you have the alignment of the wisdom capacity with masculinity.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Christianity A Of The Most Popular Religions That Has...
Christianity is one of the most popular religions that has been practiced. This all started about 2,000 years ago in Judea (present-day Israel) with Jesus Christ and his disciples. In the beginning Jesus was a Jew, he went from town to town healing and curing people and soon after these people because his disciples, and he began teaching his disciples about God’s good will and the â€Å"new covenant†God enforced upon Jesus to teach everyone. In the bible there is a verse that says, †For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.†The new covenant was when Jesus risked his own life and pay for the sins of all humanity, by being crucified on the Roman†¦show more content†¦In the Christian life they believe that there is only one God but, God is made up of three people, also known as a trinity. This trinity consist of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is believed that God is all powerful, he knows all and is present everywhere. God is the creator of everything that exist and he is infinite and eternal. Although he is a man who forgives everyone for their sins, Jesus was said to be sinless. Some of the many teaching are that Jesus is the only son of God and many prophecies believe that Jesus is coming again soon to revive the time of peace on the earth. The most important rituals are referred to as The Seven Sacraments. These being Baptism, where you are blessed and introduces to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit with Holy Water. Then it s the Confirmation which signifies the faith and commitment of a person and strengthens someone s relationship with God. Next is the Eucharist is introduced where you receive the â€Å"Lord’s blood and body.†Then its reconciliation where they find God’s unconditional forgiveness. Marriage which represents the loving union of husband and wife. Next is Holy orders or Ordination, where the priest proclaims the Gospel to lead everyone in the right direction. Lastly is anointing the sick which is a ritual of healing physical, mental and spiritual sickness. There are many Christian Holy days that are celebrated some of which are Lent which people give up a
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Nigerian Stock Market and Its Impact on the Economy
CHAPTER ONE OVERVIEW Nigeria, like many other African countries, was created from a multi-ethnic, socially and culturally diverse people, situated between the Equator and the tropic of cancer, its climate and vegetation can afford the growth of many tropical commodities such as cocoa, groundnuts, palm produce and rubber. Starting from a low technological base after political independence in 1960, the country embarked on the arduous task of building a state with one identity by integrating the different ethnicities and transforming the barter economy into financial exchange economy. The country provided infrastructure and social amenities for a very young population. Over the years, policies were pursued in order to achieve the goal of a†¦show more content†¦Fakiyesi, O.M. in his paper also said that the poor in Nigeria have limited access to savings and credit facilities, good roads, pipe borne water, innovative technology and low output markets. They are predominantly in subsistence agricult ure and in petty trading, utilising traditional input. This is why the role of the capital market as agent of growth and development is very important, thus this role has been subject of concern and has drawn comments from different fora. It is under this background this study was proposed, to further clarify the symbiotic relationship between the capital market and economic development. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Economic advancement and allocation of the aggregate investment in an economy for production of goods and services are too prominent factors in our national development. The importance of capital market can be ascertained from the increasing emphasis and recognition accorded to investment as veritable instruments of development by policy makers in Nigeria and the world over. Capital mobilisation and allocation are very essential if the regular features of poor infrastructural facilities (i.e. bad roads/poor road networks, lack of electricity, water, indecent accommodation, inadequate educational institutions, lack of health centres and poorShow MoreRelatedCurrent Issues On Capital Market Essay724 Words  | 3 PagesCURRENT ISSUES ON CAPITAL MARKET The Capital market all over the globe experienced crisis which started in United States of America in 2007 following the collapse of subprime mortgage. The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, which led to the collapse of the US capital market that later trickled to other part of the world with large organization asking for bailout and also economies requesting for same from other economies or regional unions. The Nigerian Capital market was not exempted inRead MoreImpact of Industrial Development on Nigeria Stock Market1457 Words  | 6 PagesImpact of Industrial development on Nigeria stock market. The potentials of capital market in Nigeria as a catalyst to economic and industrial development cannot be over emphasized. The capital market as an internal part of a country’s financial system operates at the long end of the system to mobilize resources for long term development and growth. Basically, the capital market accelerates growth by providing ,relatively long term capital - debt and equity finance – for government and corporateRead MoreEffects of Finanacial Crises on Nigerian Capital Market5207 Words  | 21 Pagesfinancial system, and the economy, at large. It spread quickly to the developed economies in Europe, including the United Kingdom, and Asia -with Japan becoming well affected. The emerging economies were not isolated. A transmission channel of the global financial crisis, which has been referred to as the â€Å"Globalised Synchronized Slowdown†is the stock market SERE-EJEMBI, (2008). Around the world stock market indicators started falli ng. 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IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc) DEGREE IN BANKING AND FINANCE. UNIVERSITY OF ABUJA. JANUARY, 2010. CERTIFICATION This project has been fully supervised, readRead MoreThe Relation Between Stock Market And Market Activities Development3018 Words  | 13 PagesBETWEEN STOCK MARKET AND MARKET ACTIVITIES DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA (1970 – 2014) BY OMENUGHA, NELSON – MAYOR â€Æ' CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction The aim of this chapter following the introduction in chapter one is to review the related literature of our subject matter. In this chapter, attempts will be made to review the theoretical and empirical issues. However, this chapter will be presented as follows. 2.2. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay about Clean Car Care Making a Job Offer - 1169 Words
Heneman, Judge, Kammeyer-Mueller (2012) describe a job offer as an attempt to persuade a creation of an employment relationship on the part of an organization. In the case of Clean Car Care (3Cs), Arlan Autospritz is experiencing a challenging decision. He is, for the first time, attempting to execute an external hire in a management position within the organization. He has narrowed down the search to two candidates, each attractive in their own distinct ways. In extending a job offer, Arlan has several tactics he can consider, various incentives beyond base salary, and terms he can include in trying to entice the best candidate. Type of Offer: Best-Shot, Competitive, or Lowball Arlan has two well-qualified candidates to†¦show more content†¦A lowball strategy involves extending an offer where the terms offered are on the lower range (Heneman, Judge, Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012). If a candidate is desperate or naive, this tactic can serve to secure a candidate at a lower outlay or affords a greater room to negotiate with a candidate (Heneman, Judge, Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012). Jane, the number one candidate, has a great deal of supervisory experience, is anticipating both a counteroffer and a promotion at her current employer, and needs to know the terms of the offer quickly based on these facts. While Jane is willing and eager to relocate and is easily within the current managers salary, the previous facts negate a lowball tactic in this case (Heneman, Judge, Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012). Competitive Arlan has a suitable alternative candidate in Betts Cook; that being said, if Jane is the top choice, Arlan is best moving forward with a competitive offer. Based on the quality of the second choice candidate, a best-shot offer is not necessarily needed. While it could serve to secure Jane’s acceptance quickly, Arlan is safe offering a fair offer to Jane and negotiating small details without making an over-the-top deal to begin with. Arlan is aware of the salaries offered within his industry as well as Jane’s current salary, so he is well prepared to negotiate a fair base salary (Monster, 2014). In offering a competitive salary, Arlan is less likely to offend Jane with a lowball offer andShow MoreRelatedMaking a Job Offer Essay860 Words  | 4 PagesMaking a Job Offer Klaudia Barsi ORG 522 – Managing Performance for Results Colorado State University - Global Campus Dr. Danielle J. Camacho April 20, 2013 1. Recommend whether Jane should receive a best shot, competitive or lowball offer? Why? Clean Car Care (3Cs) should make the best-shot offer to Jane. She is a high-quality finalist, and her current employer is a strong competitor regarding the benefits she receives. 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Essay on Breakfast as a Scholastic Tool - 1448 Words
Breakfast as a Scholastic Tool We have often been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Growing up, however, we have simply brushed that comment aside labeling it as yet another useless and false piece of information we receive throughout the course of our lives. This particular piece, however, may bear more significant than was ever thought before. Researchers now believe that breakfast indeed is the most important meal of the day, resulting in academic and psychosocial improvements that last a lifetime. While many may have trouble believing that a piece of toast in the morning can produce increased academic performance as well as a healthy mind, the fact is it has been proven to be true. It is for this†¦show more content†¦Goals 2000, for example, was a federal initiative to raise performance by increasing standards for the school. However, as we are almost at the end of the year 2000, these goals that were set have yet to be met. It is time to put our reliance in a program th at has been proven to work; a universal free breakfast program (Stedman, 2- 12). Through many studies, breakfast has been proven to increase academic performance. â€Å"Breakfast consumption has been linked to improved preformance in mathematics, continuous performance tasks and problem solving†(Hyndman, 5). A study conducted in Canada also reports â€Å" over 78% of teachers indicated that the program had a positive impact on the academic ability of their students†(Hyndman, 10). With these reported facts, it is obvious to see that involvement in a breakfast program would definitely yield results that could assist in solving the problem with academic achievement in our nation. The Maryland State Department of Education has already recognized this fact. Upon institution of a free pilot breakfast program, Maryland recognized that â€Å"over a two year period, schools that served breakfast in the classroom showed a twenty-two percent improvement in the Maryland School Performance Assessment Program, or MSPAP†(Maryland, 1). These results not only confirm the fact thatShow MoreRelatedAmerica s Policies That Specifically Deal With Social Disadvantage And Equality935 Words  | 4 PagesIt is important for schools to have written policies that specifically deal with social disadvantage and equality. Marginson (n.d, p.4) encourages leaders to create public policy that aspires to raise the general level of scholastic accomplishment over the entire level of learning achievement across all of society, but especially focusing on students who are socially disadvantaged due to belonging to low income families. This means it is important for each school, whether public or private, to beRead MorePreschool Is An Imperative And Fundamental Stage Of Learning3059 Words  | 13 Pageschildren are expected to have a considerably high amount of knowledge prior to reaching Kindergarten. This reveals why preschool, learning daycares, childcare, and progr ams such as Head Start have undoubtedly become quite popular over recent years. Tools of the Mind defines early childhood â€Å"as occurring before the age of eight, and it is during this period that a child goes through the most rapid phase of growth and development. Their brains develop faster than at any other point in their lives, soRead MoreQuality Education Is The Single Most Important Factors With Developing Countries Alike1800 Words  | 8 Pageswere employed in knitting, sewing, spinning and housework, and 36 younger girls were employed in knitting only. The older boys were taught shoemaking, and the younger boys prepared machinery for carding wool. 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Brave New World of Digital Intimacy free essay sample
News feed, status updates, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, when one hears theses word one usually thinks about social media. What is social media though? Social media is forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos). Through the use of social media one can create an identity. However is one identity confused among the way? In Thompson, Clive article â€Å"Brave New World of Digital Intimacy†Thompson describes the relationship between one social media identity and one actual social identity. Thus because of the use of social media one’s identity can be confuse. In this present day, with my generation, Thompson explains, â€Å"[that social media] participation isn’t optional†¦ [that] if you don’t dive in†¦other people will define who you are†(Thompson 8). It is sad but true, I have seen it happen before. We will write a custom essay sample on Brave New World of Digital Intimacy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Once two girls (from my high school) where fighting in and out of social media. Thus girl A’ deletes her face book account. Girl B’ seeing this, thought it would be a great idea to create a new Facebook for girl A’. After adding all of girl A’s friends back girl B’ made girl A’ profile out to be something that girl A’ was not (to put it nicely). Soon afterwards everyone at school had a new â€Å"Identity†of girl A’ because of what girl B’ did. Long story short they are still fighting and the Facebook profile got deleted. The point being is everyone believe the new Facebook profile was girl A’ and because of what girl B’ did, girl A’ was being treated differently. Girl A’ was not like her â€Å"new†Facebook profile made her out to be. Thus the identity of girl A’ was confused. Though people can confuse your identity, one can also confuse their own identity. In some cases, one can create a fake identity. However Tufekci argue in Thompson article, â€Å"‘[that one cannot] play with [one] identity if your audience is always checking up on [him/her]’†(Thompson 9). Tufekci is right to a point, but what if they haven’t always been an audience of one? I was in middle school and just moved to New London, New Hampshire. No one knew who I was. As I started to make aquatints they started to ask me if they could add me on Myspace. Not knowing what Myspace was, quickly research, and created one so that I could start to make friends. Since I was new I wanted to be liked and to be popular. I mean, what new kid wouldn’t. In New Hampshire everyone skate and snowboard. Even though I had never touched a skate board or snowboard, I created my Myspace to look like I had and that I was quite good at it too. It work, everyone that added me on Myspace believed that I could skate and snowboard (till I had to actually prove it). The point being is that I confuse my own identity and everyone else identity of me. It is not always like that however. Now I am not saying that because we use social media that our identity instantly confuse, quite the opposite. Plenty of people are who their social media identity is. However just be careful of oneself own perception of someone on social media. Many people own perception of me was wrong. After someone looked at my Facebook profile back in high school they would get the perception that I was a stoner, surfing, gym addict, and a freak. For the most part they were right except for the fact that I was a stoner. I have never touched weed in my life. Yet because of my Facebook profile picture was of me with stoner/surfer long hair, rostra color shirt, and that I like Bob Marley people instantly thought I was a stoner. Even now I can’t escape someone perception of me being a stoner. I go to work for the United States Marine Corps and when I have to show my driver license for some reason, usually to a Sergeant, they will start laughing and say â€Å"you were a stoner before the Corps, weren’t you†. My friends, who actually know who I am, would know that I would never smoke weed. Now because of their own perception of me on social media (and my driver’s license) my identity is confused. All in all why does it matter? Identity should not be affected by this â€Å"Brave New World of Digital Intimacy†. The fact however, it is changing the way we are being identify. One cannot apply for a job in these times without the employer looking at one social media. Therefore because of our identities are being switch from social interactions to social media oneneeds to be careful one’s identity is not confuse. If one does not dive in other people will define who one is. Also just because one create a false identity of oneself does not mean people will not find out who one really is. In addition one perception of someone on social media can also confuse their actual identity. Thus because of the use of social media one’s identity can be confuse.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Research in Sustainable Supply Chain Management - MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Research in Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Answer: Introduction: Service offerings define the set of service commitment, which refers to the service offerings level of service in terms of price, availability and scope. Service offerings are derived from the business services, which are customized towards the specific needs of the customers (Sakao, Rnnbck and Sandstrm 2013). While considering the constituents of service offerings of Lufthansa, it can be said that the organization provides all young flights for the safety of the customers. The customers can avail most secure, reliable and highly designed carrier al lowest cost. Furthermore, the organization has also redesigned the economic class of their fleet for provide more convenient seating arrangement to the customers. The attentive care of the cabin crew of Lufthansa is also highly demanding, which makes the service offerings of the organization much more attractive to the customers ( 2017). Apart from that, the tailored line and support from the experienced technicians also prov ides reliable and comfortable flight journey to the customers. According to Rapaccini (2015), tangible aspect of service indicates the physical products, which the customers can touch and feel before purchasing them. On the other hand, Chou, Chen and Conley (2015) opined that intangible services indicate the service offerings, which the customers cannot touch, but feel before, during and after opting for them. In case of Lufthansa, the organization provides delicious foods and drinks to the customers within the flights during their journey. The seats and cushions of the flight are also highly comfortable to the customers, which are tangible in nature. Furthermore, the newspapers, magazines and storybooks provided to the customers are also tangible in nature. On the other hand, while considering the intangible service offerings of Lufthansa, there are wide varieties of intangible service, which attracts the customers. The young and highly designed fleets are quite impressive to the customers. On the other hand, the attentive care of the talented cabin crew also attract the customers towards repeatedly opting for the service of Lufthansa (Kindstrm and Kowalkowski 2014). Furthermore, attractively designed and comfortable seats of the flights also form the part of intangible aspect of Lufthansa. The main aspect, which distinguishes the service from the physical products, is the physical existence. According to Gummesson (2014), physical products have their real and physical existence, whereas, services do have any physical existence. Moreover, customers can touch and feel the physical products, but they cannot touch the services. While considering the physical products of Lufthansa, it can be seen that the customers can touch the foods and beverages provided to them. However, the customers cannot tough the interior design of the flights or attentive care of the cabin crew, but they can enjoy the service. On the other hand, Kauppinen-Risnen and Grnroos (2015) opined that physical products like foods and cushions and seats can be depreciated, but the services like attentive care of cabin crew cannot be depreciated. Furthermore, the physical products can be liquidated easily, but the service cannot be liquidated easily. Business people always want relaxing journey during their traveling on air. According to Sakao, Rnnbck and Sandstrm (2013), business travelers want convenient and relaxing arrangement of the fleets. Therefore, they always consider convenience criteria before choosing an airline for their business travel. However, Kindstrm and Kowalkowski (2014) opined that business people also provide extreme significance to the economic value of their travelling. Moreover, for business travelers, every business activity must be within the budget of business process. Business travel is also within the activities of business processes. Therefore, the customers always consider price criteria before choosing any aircraft for their business travel. Moreover, the customers mostly want to choose low cost carrier for the purpose of their business travel. Furthermore, Gummesson (2014) opined that the business people often require to be connected with their business clients over the phone even within the flig hts. In such situation, the customers want high performing Wi-Fi within the flights during their business travel. Furthermore, the customers also consider the quality of service and airline safety for enjoying their business travel. While taking into account the relative intangibility of airline services, the airline customers would first consider convenience of the service. Moreover, the customers would consider the quality of service, time schedule and availability of routes of the aircrafts. On other hand, Rapaccini (2015) stated that the customers would also consider the level of care provided by the cabin crew within flights for having relaxing air journey. Apart from that, the decoration within the flights also provides a feeling of sophistication to the customers. Highly attractive inner design of flights always attracts the customers in choosing a particular air carrier. Furthermore, the customers always expect highly relaxing journey on their air journey. Therefore, the customers always consider the amusement services with the flights before choosing any air carrier. Marketing of physical products is aligned with promoting and selling a specific product in a specific market. On the other hand, service marketing refers to the marketing of economic activities of a particular service for adequate consideration (Gummesson 2014). The marketing strategies of physical products can be formed through 4Ps of marketing like product, price, place and promotion. On the other hand, marketing strategies of service must be formed with 7 Ps like product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence. The marketing of physical products is always dependent on value of the products. However, the marketing of service is always dependent on both the value of service as well as the relationship of the customers with the service providers. Service providers should adopt 7 Ps marketing strategies for promoting its services in the market. Moreover, the service providers should provide unique service offerings to the customers for creating unique customer value. Furthermore, the service providers should always assess the affordability of the customers to which they provide their service offerings. While considering the case of Lufthansa, it offers unique aircraft service with affordable price for creating competitive advantage in the market (Rapaccini 2015). Moreover, the service providers should select most effective promotional tools for conveying the important service offerings to wide customer groups. Lufthansa uses both digital and social media marketing for promoting its service offerings. Furthermore, the service providers should also crucially select place for easy availability of the services to the customers. The service providers should hire talented staffs and process for providing services to the customers ef fectively. The attentive care of the cabin crew of Lufthansa create a unique competitive advantage for the organization (Kindstrm and Kowalkowski 2014). On the hand, the physical evidence of the service provider should also be attractive to the customers for leading high level of competitive advantage. Case of Dell Corporation One of the most important factors of competitive advantage of Dell is its supply chain management. Dell uses build-to-order-strategy for its inventory management, where every single PC of the organization is associated with every single end user. Moreover, the organization starts for manufacture a PC only after getting an order placed by an end user. In such custom made system, the customers can incorporate their own preferences on their PCs after requesting to the technicians. In this way, such custom made system adds value the customers and assists in gaining competitive advantage over the rivals. Dell operates its supply chain based on non-store based distribution channels. Dell uses direct model in its distribution channels, where Dell model sells its PCs to its customers directly without using retail channels ( 2017). Moreover, Brandenburg et al. (2014) opined that Dell uses unique supply chain strategy namely build-to-order-strategy. As per this strategy, Dells start to manufacture PCs only after an order placed from a customer. The organization sends the configuration details of the PCs to the manufacturing floor, only after getting the order placed by the customers. After all these, the final assembly of the PC is started. Such supply and distribution channel is extremely important to the customers, as they can get quick response to their demand change. Moreover, every single PC of Dell is associated every single name of customers. In this way, they technicians can easily identify the name and details of the initial requirements of the PCs after a request of chan ging demands in the PCs (Pagell and Shevchenko 2014). It can help the organization towards providing unique value to the customers through customizing and fulfilling their required demands. In store based distribution channels, the inventory stores are wide and the manufactured products are stored until those are sold to the customers. Therefore, in store based distribution channels, organizations have to bear huge expenses in terms of huge inventory cost. On the other hand, in non-store based distribution channels, the products are manufactured only after getting an order placed by the customers (Seuring 2013). Therefore, in non-store based distribution channel, organizations need not to bear huge amount of inventory cost. In this way, non-store based distribution channel reduces overall organizational cost. The sales, manufacturing and distribution model of Dell provides maximum possible number of variables under its control. Moreover, the model controls the inventory operation having huge control on it by reducing overall inventory cost. Apart from that, the direct manufacturing and sales option has built direct interaction with the customers, which has ultimately enhanced the satisfaction level of the customers (Beske and Seuring 2014). The constant flow of communication with the customers meets their customized needs, which has built high level of competitive advantage for Dell. Moreover, Dell has been in a position to grow during the recent economic downturn. In sales, manufacturing and distribution model of Dell, the organization may not have ready supply of inventory to sell. It eliminates the chance for the customers to go to the store and buy stored products in the inventory (Brandenburg et al. 2014). Therefore, it decreases the overall profitability of the organization. The build-to-order strategy takes longer hours for fulfilling the customers orders. Therefore, it increases the waiting time of the customers. The direct sales strategy can provide sustained competitive advantage to Dell through direct communication with the customers. Moreover, the organization can also incorporate customized value to their PCs through direct communication with the customers. Such unique and customized value can add to the sustained competitive edge of Dell. On the other hand, build-to-order strategy reduces overall organizational cost of Dell for which it can offer low price for their PCs for gaining competitive advantage an increasingly competitive and mature market place (Pagell and Shevchenko 2014). The Dell model can also get sustained competitive advantage through product diversification on computer printers, handheld computers and MP3 players. Direct selling strategy can provide the opportunity of direct communication with the customers. However, it often limits the sales volume and profitability of the organization having limited sales to direct customers. Therefore, the organization should adopt retail channels for enhancing its value delivery network. It will enhance the product accessibility of the Dell, which will actually enhance the sales and profit volume of (Dell Beske and Seuring 2014). Reference List Beske, P. and Seuring, S., 2014. Putting sustainability into supply chain management.Supply Chain Management: an international journal,19(3), pp.322-331. Brandenburg, M., Govindan, K., Sarkis, J. and Seuring, S., 2014. Quantitative models for sustainable supply chain management: Developments and directions.European Journal of Operational Research,233(2), pp.299-312. Chou, C.J., Chen, C.W. and Conley, C., 2015. Creating Sustainable Value Through Service Offerings.Research-Technology Management,58(2), pp.48-55., D. 2017.Supply Chain. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Nov. 2017]. Gummesson, E., 2014. Productivity, quality and relationship marketing in service operations: A revisit in a new service paradigm.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,26(5), pp.656-662. Kauppinen-Risnen, H. and Grnroos, C., 2015. Are service marketing models really used in modern practice?.Journal of Service Management,26(3), pp.346-371. Kindstrm, D. and Kowalkowski, C., 2014. Service innovation in product-centric firms: A multidimensional business model perspective.Journal of Business Industrial Marketing,29(2), pp.96-111. 2017.Cite a Website - Cite This For Me. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Nov. 2017]. Pagell, M. and Shevchenko, A., 2014. Why research in sustainable supply chain management should have no future.Journal of supply chain management,50(1), pp.44-55. Rapaccini, M., 2015. Pricing strategies of service offerings in manufacturing companies: a literature review and empirical investigation.Production Planning Control,26(14-15), pp.1247-1263. Sakao, T., Rnnbck, A.. and Sandstrm, G.., 2013. Uncovering benefits and risks of integrated product service offeringsUsing a case of technology encapsulation.Journal of systems science and systems engineering,22(4), pp.421-439. Seuring, S., 2013. A review of modeling approaches for sustainable supply chain management.Decision support systems,54(4), pp.1513-1520.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Young Thomas Edison Essays - Thomas Edison, Phonograph, Edison
Young Thomas Edison I read the book Young Thomas Edison , by Sterling North. The book tells about Edison's Young life and how he greatly succeeded through out the years. It tells about his greatest inventions and Edisons Historic sites and how her became the greatest inventor of all times. Thomas Alva Edison was born of February of 1847, in Milan Ohio. He was the seventh and last child of Nancy Edison and Samuel Edison. Thomas Alva Edison inherited much of his intelligence from Nancy Elliot Edison. Nancy Edison would read books to Thomas Edison about scientists. That's when Edison got interested in experiments. When Thomas Alva Edison was ten, he and his family moved to a small town in Purt, Hacon. There he had his own laboratory in the basement. At the age of eleven Edison and his friend would raise ten acces of vegetables. Then they would plant them and they would sell them around town. They wanted to earn money so they could give it to the family. They wanted to do this because they had financial problems. When Thomas Alva Edison was older he worked as a trainboy and would sell candies and newspapers. One day Thomas Edison's father realized that Edison was deaf from one ear. Thomas Edison became deaf from working on the locomotive. When Edison was working as a trainboy he got the idea of inventing a telegraph. When Edison was in his twenties he earned many patents by inventing the lightball, telegram, telegraph and many more inventions. Edison's second wife was Mrs. Mina Miller Edison. Edison had many chemical laboratories in his life. On 1931, Thomas Alva died when he collapsed. By this his inventions we have are street lights, phonographs and many other things. I would really recommend this book to any one because Thomas Alva Edison is one of the greatest inventors.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Sample Essay About Extrajudicial Killing
Sample Essay About Extrajudicial KillingWhy is it important to write a sample essay about extrajudicial killing? After all, what good is an essay if no one reads it? Well, first of all, this kind of essay will not just allow you to discuss the killing itself, but how the US is practicing extrajudicial killing and the laws that it is actually violating.You see, in today's society, as in every other society, laws are made to be broken. And because of these legal loopholes, our legal system has been put under tremendous strain. And this strain causes many people to resort to lawbreaking when it comes to deciding when and how the rules should be broken.For example, when someone is killed in a street by police because they have done something wrong, there are very few people who are going to argue that the police are not guilty of extrajudicial killing because it is a matter of law. So, in order to convince them that the rule of law must be respected, it is necessary to show that what the y did was not a legal violation. The only way to do this is to show that what they did was unethical.But how do you go about writing a sample essay about extrajudicial killing? The truth is that since you are writing this essay for a class, there are very few real possibilities that your topic can be anything but topics about law enforcement and policing. As such, you must focus on those two things in order to get the most out of the topic of your essay.One thing that you must remember is to keep your word count under 100 words. For example, you may want to write about how a person murdered by the police had a knife when they did. However, you also must write about how the police failed to arrest the killer because they said that he had a knife. Therefore, the word count is exactly the same except that there is more that needs to be said.Finally, you should always emphasize on the social justice of your essay. This means that you should stress on the importance of maintaining a rule of law. If you do not emphasize on this, then you are, in effect, saying that lawbreaking is okay and it is not even a violation of the law.In addition, you should make sure that you identify ethical lawbreakers. You should not only include the actual names of those who break the law, but you should also include their names and their faces. In doing so, you are telling people that they must not be afraid to face the law and that they must face it all the same.The way to come up with your topic is to consider how much you want to discuss the killing itself and how much you want to discuss ethics and the manner in which it was done. These two things go hand in hand and only by focusing on both of them can you come up with a very good topic. As such, it is up to you to go through the material that you already have and find the information that you need to come up with a very good sample essay about extrajudicial killing.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
15 Influential People You Should be Following on Social Media
15 Influential People You Should be Following on Social Media You’re on the job hunt, doing all the things you’re supposed to be doing. Updating your resume, writing cover letters, doing interview prep, and working on your network. That’s all great, but can sometimes be frustrating- not to mention lonely. If you start to feel like you’re stuck in your own echo chamber and need a fresh perspective, why not tune into some of the best movers and shakers of career development and inspiration?Here are 15 people to follow when you need a job hunting boost.1. Kathryn Minshew (Twitter)Minshew founded The Muse and gives great general career/job search advice as well as news briefs in the career world.2. Simon Sinek (Twitter)Sinek is a motivational speaker and writer who has made a successful living analyzing the communication habits of successful leaders. Check out his books (Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action and Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Some Don’t) and hi s social media.3. Hannah Morgan (Twitter)Morgan founded CareerSherpa and is an expert job search/career guru who doles out great advice on â€Å"solopreneurship†as well as self-branding and finding your next big opportunity.4. Abby Kohut (Twitter)Kohut founded Absolutely Abby, and is a career coach and recruiter. She got named among the â€Å"Top 25 Women To Follow On Twitter For Your Job Search†by CEO World and also tours the country in her career advice RV. She’s also great at what she does.5. Guy Kawaski (Twitter)Kawaski is the former â€Å"chief evangelist†of Apple. He’s one of the best speakers out there- about career, business, and leadership- and super motivational. His feed is full of advice and sometimes even a cute animal clip.6. Adam Toren (Twitter)Toren founded Young Entrepreneur and is an author and an entrepreneur himself. He’s great because he doesn’t just focus on young job seekers. He has advice for those of any ag e wishing to turn to entrepreneurship and make a career/branding leap.7. Seth Godin (Twitter)Godin is the quintessential career coach. He’s the bestselling author of 14 books about leadership, marketing, branding, and personal growth. Read his feed for links to his blog and get insights straight from the guru.8. Women 2.0 (Twitter)Women 2.0 actually offers good advice for any gender, though it is a media company specializing in education/innovation and business opportunities for women. Gain great insights into diversity and learn about opportunities for any entrepreneur starting out.9. Randi Zuckerberg (Twitter)Zuckerberg is the other Zuckerberg’s sister, and the author of Dot Complicated. She’s a social media legend, with great insights on how to use the internet to brand yourself personally and professionally and follow in her excellent footsteps to social media domination.10. Elon Musk (Twitter)Musk is a tech innovator extraordinaire. He’s also a CEO a nd overall â€Å"it†influencer in the executive world. Follow him for insights on how to redefine leadership and innovation in the science and business worlds.11. Laszlo Block (LinkedIn)Block wrote Work Rules! and is a senior adviser at Google. He also publishes a lot of excellent content on LinkedIn, about his work at Google as well as his leadership experience.12. Lisa Gates (LinkedIn)Gates founded She Negotiates, and is a killer career coach. She offers tons of great tips on how to negotiate successfully- and nearly all of us could use some work in that department. Learn how to be your best advocate when asking for a raise or a promotion, or even a starting salary.13. Meg Guiseppi (LinkedIn)Giuseppi is a branding guru, career and personal branding coach. She writes articles that have great strategies and tips for taking yourself to the next level.14. Heather Huhman (LinkedIn)Huhman is a digital marketing specialist and career coach who focuses on Gen Y (pre-Millenials). I f you’re not Gen X and not quite a Millenial, then she has great career advice for you to help you build, or rebuild, your career and negotiate changes over the course of your working life.15. Paul Freiberger (LinkedIn)Freiberger is a job search consultant and resume writer who doesn’t post terribly often, but the articles he does post are extremely worthwhile- often covering topics that don’t tend to be discussed as much.Remember, following folks on Twitter and LinkedIn gets you tons of free advice. You can decide how involved to get, but it’s always good to get a sense of what’s available out there. The resources are out there for you to find (and follow)!
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
How would you assess the nature of public history in the digital age Essay
How would you assess the nature of public history in the digital age - Essay Example It describes how digital age has influenced the discipline of history. Furthermore, the essay also narrates about how historical practices are conducted in present days’ digital age. Public history is anything, which includes the extensive public participation in the formation, recording and explanation of history. It comprises the tasks conducted by expert historians, but positively involves with many people, rather than single individuals. By itself, public history is subjected to the services of varieties of experts who perform in wider historical setups, such as individuals performing in documentations, galleries, museums, heritage sites, country houses and public libraries. Public history frequently entails demonstration of research findings in different formats in order to print for exhibitions, photographic, film displays and dramatic representations. Public history is a trimmer, adaptable to multiple contexts and audiences. Politicians advocate that public history is such work, which is involved with national community and inspire senses of individuality, unity and nationality (Willinsky, 2005). Public historians appeared around the beginning of the ‘age of commemoration’. Public historians accept various ways in which public is involved in the history. In various fields of education, politics and entertainment, it can be observed that historians involve in history practices, with or without academic directives. The discipline of public history is therefore based on the role of history and historians in the world. Public history is thus aimed to prepare individuals for better interpreter and overseer of history. The fundamental belief of public history is that historians as experts do not possess the exclusive authority to that past, but desire to involve in the discussion with the experiences and explanations of the public. Traditionally, the work of public historians was
Monday, February 10, 2020
Job Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Job Analysis - Research Paper Example This job related behaviors are therefore considered as important in order to define who to hire and recruit. (Fine & Steven F, 1999) One of the key purposes of preparing job analysis is to define the job specifications as well as job descriptions which invariably allow an organization to identify the right kind of attributes required to perform the job. As such the future hiring and selection of the employees takes place based upon this. It is also critical to note that the job analysis is also used for later improvements in the overall job process besides defining the promotion and compensation criteria based upon the overall contents of the jobs. Job analysis is also used for the purpose of defining the training requirements of the employees and what kind of training and development programs need to be implemented in order to allow employees to move from one position to another. It is critical to note that organizations use job analysis as one of the legal defense tools in the courts. Job analysis can have serious legal implications if there are any elements of bias in the overall process of preparing job analysis for the employees. Since job analysis is also used in the supervisory evaluations as well as the rating of the employees, it is therefore important that all the criteria are effectively measured and carefully defined in order to reduce the chance of bias. Uniform Guidelines on employee selection specifically ask for the thorough job analysis as one of the selection criteria for hiring the employees. Further, validity studies are also required to be based upon careful review of the information about the job and the reviews should give due consideration to the job analysis. Americans with Disability Act specifically give more importance to the job analysis and strictly prohibits discrimination against persons with
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Shape and Secret Hideaway Place Essay Example for Free
Shape and Secret Hideaway Place Essay Childhood is such an innocent time in your life. Your childhood builds the foundation to which you will become. It creates the boundaries to which you will grow into. A child’s imagination is a very vivid and wide ranged. A child can see things we cannot hear, they hear things that we cannot hear. It is very detailed and sensitive and important to the overall development. It was in my childhood, where I found my secret hideaway place. I remember the day very vividly. I was 5 and still the only child. We had just moved into a one bedroom apartment, my mother and I. There were boxes everywhere, of all different sizes. My mother looked at me and said, â€Å"We’re going to save the big boxes to make you a play house†. I had no idea what a play house was, or why I even needed it. I had a ton of toys, and dolls. But I had no idea what a play house would do to enhance my play time experience. Two large cardboard boxes set the foundation to my house. Standing on the outside of the house, you could see the beautiful detail my artistic mother put into the structure. It was painted pink and yellow. There were windows, four to be exact, on each side of the house. Each window was cut from a different shape, one circle, one square, one triangle, and one rectangle. There was a flowerbed drawn under each window. The flowerbed contained different types of flowers, most of them tulips, probably because that’s the easiest to draw, all different colors and sizes. There was a little flap that served as a front door. It was painted bright red, and had a little circle knob drawn onto it as well. Walking into the house was magical. Instantly I entered into my own world. The side of my play house was just as detailed as the outside. There were four walls, and each wall contained a different color and pictures. There were real photographs of me, and my family members. There was a section that had numbers and letters so that I could practice learning them. There were pictures of teddy bears and clowns, because my mother knew there were my favorite things. There were the names of the shapes above each shaped window. In the middle of the house sat one single chair, for me to sit inside, and view the outside would through my own little window. I can remember sittings for hours. Playing and imagining different scenarios, I would teach my dolls and shapes, letters, and numbers. Sometimes the playhouse would be a mansion, and sometimes a classroom. It was my little get away, my moment within reality, a space that belonged to me and only me. I often times watched Television through the window or front door of the house. It was my look into the grown people world, from my own. I couldn’t tell you what ever happened to that little play house. I honestly don’t remember when it was taken down, or why it was taken down. It just kind of disappeared, as the reality of the adult world appeared. I am, however, grateful, for my little playhouse and the foundation it built for me in my adult life. My little play house provided me with security and substance. It taught me to use my mind, to see beyond what is in front of me and most importantly to think outside the box.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Study Skills Essay -- essays research papers
STUDY SKILL SHOULD BE TAUGHT IN ELMENTARY SCHOOL The reason that most people High School don’t have good study skills is because they were not taught proper study habits in Elementary School, where this should be taught. To achieve good grades in high school a person must be disciplined in their study habits. Once a person reaches high school these habits must be ingrained into the personality of the young person so that they are second nature or it is to late. Part of the Elementary school teaching there must be a course that teaches children as young as grade 1 or 2 how to do homework. This has to include how to break down a project into manageable pieces so that a child will know how to meet deadlines for major projects once they reach middle school and they are expected to hand work in on time without help from the teachers. To achieve this the following lessons must be taught. How to take notes in class. Taking accurate note is a major responsibility for people and without proper notes homework can and is a challenge. Here are a few simple steps to note taking. 1.     Go to class prepared. This means having all the materials that you will need to participate in the class fully. Having pencils sharpened and enough paper to take all the notes that are needed. Nothing will hurt you more than having to stop and find more paper or pencil/pen in the middle of a lecture because once you have found what you are looking for the lecture has moved on and you have lost your concentration, or you have missed some of the points being lectured on. 2.     Avoid distractions. By this I mean - no eating, drinking or talking. You are there to take notes and that should be the only thing you are doing. 3.     Class Discussions. These are often more helpful than the lecture them self. When the class is discussing the subject ask questions and get clear answers because often the teacher is talking so fast that you will miss a point or two in the class discussions will be the time to clarify anything in the lecture that you didn’t understand in the lecture. 4.     Pick out key word phrases. Then the teacher says things like â€Å" the main point is †¦Ã¢â‚¬ or â€Å" to summarize†¦.†These are the main points to write down don’t miss them. Also if something is repeated... ...ld. Write this down and ask the teacher for help organizing your projects. 7.     ELEMINATE ALL DISTRACTIONS. This means the TV off, No talking on the Phone no Load music, even send your little brother and sister out of the room if they don’t have homework too. 8.     Good health. Part of getting good study skills is to be healthy. Get the proper amount of sleep of your age and eat three good meals a day. The brain works better when it has been fed. 9.     Finally, take breaks from homework when you need to. Stretch, get something to munch on, or have a drink. When you feel yourself getting frustrated this is a sign you need a break. Once you are stuck on a problem for a few minutes take a break for a minute or so and go back to it, this will help you refocus on the problem and give you a better prospective on it. If these simple study skills were taught to young children in elementary school, teachers in high school will have less trouble getting their students to do their homework. I know if I would have been taught how to study maybe my homework would get done and handed in on time.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Computer Ethic and Privacy
Computers and the world of information technology are advancing quickly in this generation. Moor in his 1985 article â€Å"What is Computer Ethics? †stated that, â€Å"Computers provide us with new capabilities and these in turn give us new choices for action†. Hence, arguments about privacy and ethics in computer technology arise. With the birth on computers there â€Å"was concern right away that computers would be used inappropriately to the detriment of society†(Herold, 2006). I believe that the good is outweighing the bad when it comes to computers.I also believe there is a degree of user Alana Northrop states in her paper that, â€Å"Computerized search systems have been one of the most widely deployed management science technologies in the fight against crime†(1993). Police officers use computers in their cars now. The computers gives them access to information on citizens and also has the ability to give them directions to where they want to go. E verybody benefits from the use of GPS. At some point everyone has used Google Maps and perhaps even Google Street View to find an address.But is Street View seen as an invasion of privacy? Or is it just another stride in computer and information advancement? I believe the way people use computers and information play a big role in the social benefits. People and corporations alike use computers and information as a tool for more information or for leverage. What users do not often understand is that â€Å"they also have a responsibility to consider the ramifications of their actions and to behave accordingly†(Herold, 2006).Software piracy and plagiarism are examples of what happens when computer users decide to ignore ethics and use the computer and information for their own personal gains and/or pleasure. Hackers believe that it’s acceptable to do anything with a computer as long as the purpose is to learn. This utilitarian way of thinking, that anything is ok as long as it is for the greater good (Beauchamp, Bowie, Arnold, 2009), contributes to harming the social good. Hacking, piracy, plagiarism; these are the things happen because of how a person decided to use information.The information in and of itself is not harming the social good. That being said; the benefits of computers and the information they gather and store will always outweigh the harming of the social good. If you look at how far mankind has come with the help of computers and information technology, you will find evidence of this. Hospital records and now easier to access and store. Credit reports no longer takes weeks to obtain. We could go on and on with examples of how computers benefit society. I’m not sure that there is a way to effectively embrace computers while preventing the harm of the social good.With good things come the bad. We just need to accept that. Laws and regulations are in place to help minimize damage to the social good but even those have their li mits. It really leans heavily on the moral character of the people that live in today’s world. Yes, without computers we wouldn’t have these issues. But we do have them and they mostly make our lives easier and simpler and I would say the trade-off is fair. References: Beauchamp, T. L. , Bowie, N. , & Arnold, D. (2009). Ethical Theory and Business, (8th ed. ).Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Herold, R. (2006). Introduction to computer ethics. Retrieved from http://www. infosectoday. com/Articles/Intro_Computer_Ethics. htm Moor, J. (1985). What is computer ethics?. Metaphilosophy, 16(4), 266. Northrup, A. (1993). Police use of computers. Informally published manuscript, Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations, University of California- Irvine, Irvine, California. , Available from Escholarship. org. (qt71x0h7hb)Retrieved from http://escholarship. org/uc/item/71x0h7hb
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